
Showing posts from October, 2015


Emma 3 Months Old Our newest addition decided to surprise us by coming a month earlier than expected. True it wasn't by choice, but she's here and we are thrilled. It has been a bit difficult this past week. Being told that I was getting induced because it was safer for the baby outside the womb, rather than inside, having to leave the hospital without my baby, trying to keep a happy face for Sami and having to wonder when Emma will be coming home. It's hard trying to keep it together, for Mr. Andrade and myself. I've broken down a few times and keep getting paranoid about falling into a depression. I'm grateful my baby is ok, I just wish she was home with us already. She'll be a week old tomorrow and it doesn't feel like it at all. I still feel like she's a day old; I think because she's still at the hospital. I miss being pregnant so bad and I think it's because my baby is not home. I'm sure she'll be home soon it's just gettin...