
Showing posts from May, 2016

Samantha's Arrival

A few minutes after having Sami. Still trying to take in being a new momma. I noticed lately I've been backtracking with my posts. I've started doing prequels haha! I think after talking about Emma's milestones, and her arrival, it made me realize I didn't have many of Samantha. I started my  blog  in December of 2010, Sami was 1 and no longer an infant. That may be a reason why I didn't think of talking about her baby stuff and talked/talk about her toddler/kid stuff. So, I've decided to semi-backtrack and talk about my experiences with her, too. This will also help me remember all the beautiful moments and will be something nice and special for her to read in the future. Sami's arrival was quite the story, this was my first pregnancy and I had no idea what to expect. A lot of my mom friends would always say, "Trust me you'll know." One went as far as to say that she was  not going to sugarcoat anything for me, and that it was go...