Samantha's Arrival
A few minutes after having Sami. |
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Still trying to take in being a new momma. |
I noticed lately I've been backtracking with my posts. I've started doing prequels haha! I think after talking about Emma's milestones, and her arrival, it made me realize I didn't have many of Samantha. I started my blog in December of 2010, Sami was 1 and no longer an infant. That may be a reason why I didn't think of talking about her baby stuff and talked/talk about her toddler/kid stuff. So, I've decided to semi-backtrack and talk about my experiences with her, too. This will also help me remember all the beautiful moments and will be something nice and special for her to read in the future.
Sami's arrival was quite the story, this was my first pregnancy and I had no idea what to expect. A lot of my mom friends would always say, "Trust me you'll know." One went as far as to say that she was not going to sugarcoat anything for me, and that it was going to feel like "you're dying." After those words of encouragement I felt semi-confident on what to expect.
Mr. Andrade was away throughout most of my pregnancy due to work. And by away I don't mean a city or state away. I mean 1 day away, literally. He was in Dubai, which is pretty much a day ahead of us, and I was in the states. My pregnancy was pretty tough emotionally and according to my doctor physically as well.
The night before Sami was born I remember I was online chatting with a friend and I was mentioning to her that I kept getting cramps and backaches. Her being a mother of 3 started to question whether or not I was starting to go into labor. She started counting the minutes between each cramp and realized they were 5 minutes apart. I chuckled and pretty much said, "What do you know with your 3 kids?" Well, not really but I did dismiss the thoughts of going to into labor because it did not feel like death. It simply felt like normal menstrual cramps.
The following morning I woke up to feeling like something had dropped in the lower region and immediately ran to the restroom. When nothing seemed off other than a few spots, I called my mom to let her know we needed to go to the doctor in a bit because I was spotting but wanted to try and get some more sleep. It was about 6:30am at this time. Shortly after the cramping started getting a bit worse (still no feeling of dying) so I called my mom and told her we should just head over to the hospital now. I let her know that I didn't think it would be anything serious and they'd probably let me go home the same day. I went ahead and called Mr. Andrade to let him know of the situation; I told him not to worry that I would be home in a bit and would call to update him.
I woke up my sister since she had been staying with me so I wouldn't be alone and told her to get ready because we had to go to the hospital. I think she freaked out and fell off the couch and scrammed to get ready. My mom arrived and off we went.
Out of all the days to get lost my mom picked the prime day. My mother had been to this hospital several times and I guess she was a bit nervous because she ended up taking the wrong exit. At this time my sister and I were freaking out because I had begun to throw up. Apparently this is something that happens during labor; I was not aware of that. We finally get to the hospital and my sister and I walk to the delivery room. Although the pain was gradually getting worse (still no death) I still took my time filling out paperwork and answering questions. The nurse took me me to some room where they were going to check me to see if I was in labor. It turned out I was. The nurse's exact words were, "Ok, you're ready." as soon as she said that I immediately asked for every painkiller they can possibly give me and was denied all. The nurse said I was ready, as in I'm in labor now, and there was no time for meds. They wheeled me into the delivery room and my mom came in running at that point and they quickly dressed her. The doctor asked at what time did my water break, I told her I had no idea my water had even broken. She gave me a weird look and continued on with what she was doing. I realized after that what I felt drop in the morning was actually my water breaking. I guess since there wasn't a Niagara falls mess I didn't think of it being my water breaking.
Sami was born at 8:54 am. I think I had been wheeled into the delivery room around 8:20 or 8:30. Everything happened super fast, which till this day, I'm totally grateful for. I had heard so many different horror stories that I was a bit freaked out. Thank God everything came out ok and I had my mom and my new baby girl with me. My poor sister wanted to be in the room with me too, but for whatever reason she wasn't allowed to go in. I think because everything happened so fast. Maybe it's better she wasn't, I think she would have been traumatized haha.
I remember feeling happy and sad after Sami was finally in my arms. Happy because my baby girl was here and sad because Mr. Andrade wasn't. My entire pregnancy with Sami was an adventure that I would not trade for the world. I remember when I brought her home singing "You are my sunshine" and "I will" and instantly breaking down into tears. It was an overwhelming feeling that I cannot begin to describe. I'm blessed to call Samantha my daughter. I love you, Sam I Am.
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