
Showing posts from January, 2018

CDMX 2017

El Gran Hotel Templo Mayor Xochimilco Palacio Nacional La Basílica de Guadalupe La Catedral Templo Mayor La Catedral El 420 La Casa Azul  Templo Mayor   Teotihuacan, at the top of the sun temple. El Angel de la Independencia  Meeting point in case of an earthquake. These were located all over the city. Cafe de Tacuba: one of the oldest restaurants in the city.  Frida Kahlo's dresses. Palacio Nacional, Diego Rivera murals.  Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would fall I love in with Mexico City the way I did. I remember being a kid and hearing all these crazy tales about the city. I'm sure there's some truth to them, but the point is I never wanted to go to D.F. I think cause of all the stories I had been told; by multiple sources. I even had a chance to go in my teens but declined the invite. My parents had a manda to pay La Virgen and asked me if I wanted to join t...


I'm not one who cares much for New Years resolutions because I feel you don't need to wait for the beginning of a year to improve who you are. I feel you should be able to be a better you regardless of the occasion. For some reason, this year feels slightly different. I'd like to improve certain attributes of myself. Mainly not to sweat the small stuff so much and focus on the ones who care about me as much I care about them. I feel that sometimes we seem to worry less about the ones that are closest to us. Maybe because we know they're there or maybe we don't realize we're doing it. I wouldn't call it a New Years resolution, maybe self reflection. Here's to a great New Year! If you made resolutions I hope they're able to come to fruition.