CDMX 2017

El Gran Hotel
Templo Mayor

Palacio Nacional

La Basílica de Guadalupe

La Catedral

Templo Mayor

La Catedral

El 420
La Casa Azul 
Templo Mayor 
Teotihuacan, at the top of the sun temple.

El Angel de la Independencia 
Meeting point in case of an earthquake. These were located all over the city.
Cafe de Tacuba: one of the oldest restaurants in the city. 
Frida Kahlo's dresses.
Palacio Nacional, Diego Rivera murals. 
Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would fall I love in with Mexico City the way I did. I remember being a kid and hearing all these crazy tales about the city. I'm sure there's some truth to them, but the point is I never wanted to go to D.F. I think cause of all the stories I had been told; by multiple sources. I even had a chance to go in my teens but declined the invite. My parents had a manda to pay La Virgen and asked me if I wanted to join them. I told them I chose life and would stay behind in Guadalajara.

It wasn't till after high school that I realized all that Mexico City had to offer. I was in utter shock to know that some of Mexico's biggest gems were there. It made sense, Mexico City is the heart of Mexico. That's where it all began. When I told my friend about my plans to travel to Mexico she was in disbelief. She asked me several times if I was sure. She reminded me of all my wise cracks that I'd made towards our chilango friends and all the jokes about the city in general. All I kept saying was, "I know, I knoooow, but I really want to go."

To my luck Mr.Andrade was totally on board with going to Mexico City for our vacation. He left all the planning to me (as usual) and told me just to tell him what dates I decide on so he can let his boss know. We rotate when it comes to vacation, one year is family and the next is mami and papi. This was our vacation. I knew it wasn't ideal for Mr.A, he tends to lean more towards beachy destinations. I was just happy I didn't have to bust some santeria shit on him to convince him to go.

We arrived in Mexico City at 5 in the morning. I thought that I had booked the hotel to be ready for us upon our arrival, but I didn't. Turns out our room wouldn't be ready till 3! We checked in our luggage and went to have some breakfast. We decided to hit up the Basilica de Guadalupe because that was on my itinerary; plus I wanted to give thanks for arriving safely. We ended up staying there about two hours. I didn't realize how huge that place was. We actually ended up going to the basilica 3 times during our stay. One of the tours we booked made a stop there and I promised my brother I'd go back again as a favor.

Although each place we visited impacted me in one way or another, I'd have to say Teotihuacan, La Casa Azul and La Catedral got to me the most. Teotihuacan felt like a dream come true. I always dreamt of going there but actually being there felt so surreal. Climbing both the sun and the moon pyramid were very spiritual for me. It was such a beautiful moment for me. I wanted to take everything in, imagine the civilization that once thrived there. It was truly breathtaking. La Casa Azul resonated with love. Each room I walked into felt like I was feeling the presence of Frida and Diego. I can still feel their love and admiration for each other in the house. I cried. La Catedral was beautiful and historic. I'm surprised my neck didn't hurt from looking up and down and side to side. I wanted to see La Catedral because well, it's La Catedral. I didn't expect it to get to me but it did. I can't begin to explain what happened but all I remember is seeing a little alter for San Juditas and immediately making my way over there. I was so happy to see him in the church and began saying a little prayer. Then out of nowhere the waterworks came. I don't mean little tears, I mean ugly crying. I don't know what came over me but I could not contain myself. I stayed there for awhile--sobbing. By the time Mr. A found me I think I looked like Courtney Love. Mascara running down my face and me being a blubbering mess. Luckily he didn't freak out. He had gotten use to seeing me cry on the trip.

We were in Mexico City for 7 days. We got to see a lot of things but unfortunately not everything on my list. One of the things that I regret not making the time for was Chapultepec. Everyone is in shock that we didn't go. I'm still bummed about it. There's a lot of things that I wanted to do, and I'm grateful that I got to do the top ones on my list. I think I subconsciously skipped Chapultepec so I'd have a reason to go back, I mean, how can you not go to Chapultepec?


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