Blessed. |
Emma. |
Preem Supremes. |
Dad Duty. |
Ready for Disney! |
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Party People! |
Birthday Kids. |
I can't believe I haven't blogged about anything since February! I think it's combo of laziness, not having much to talk about and having my best ideas at night when I'm about to go to bed lol. Some cool stuff has happened for me and my family. We had some birthdays (Mr. A, Emma and my pops) and Sami went off to rock camp.
The birthdays this year were pretty rad. We went out to eat for Mr. A's birthday as is tradition now. That's probably one of my new favorite things that we do now as a family. We get together (parental
and siblings included) and go out to eat somewhere. We do the usual embarrassing thing by the telling our server we have a birthday so they can embarrass the birthday kid. Except me, I'm always down for birthday shit.
This year Sami finally got to go to rock camp. We had been waiting for this moment for quite sometime. She wasn't old enough the previous years so we had to wait till she turned eight for her to join. This year she finally met the cut off and was ecstatic about it. She loved every moment of it. Came home with great camp stories and is already eager to go next year. Rock camp, technically called Chicas Rockeras, is a great camp for young girls. I love how it empowers them, teaches them about unity and gives them an amazing boost of self-confidence. I feel it's so difficult being a kid nowadays and this camp really helps the girls to love and respect themselves. It also teaches the girls how to play and write their own songs. It doesn't matter if they have past experience or never picked up an instrument in their life, Chicas Rockeras helps the girls be able to rock out by the end of camp. They get to perform the songs they wrote in front of family and friends on their last day.
The unthinkable finally happened: we convinced my father to go to Disneyland! True story. We had been begging my dad to go to Disneyland with us for YEARS. He never wanted to go. He hadn't been to Disney in almost thirty years. The last time he went to Disneyland, California Adventure was still the parking lot. There was no parking structure. California Adventure was it. I don't know how we managed to finally convince him but we did. Maybe because we were going for Emma and his birthday. He kinda had to go since it was technically for him. We rolled into Disneyland deep with a party of 13. Everyone had a great time and it wasn't too packed which is always a plus. Emma and my dad got their birthday pins and I got my churro and ice cream. We were all happy campers. Being that we went to Disneyland on a weekday Emma and my dad got a double celebration. We ended up having a small BBQ for them on Saturday. Being the Mexicans that we are, small usually means inviting the closest family members that go to the small functions, which would be about 30 guests. It was great seeing my dad and Emma so happy. It was truly a great weekend.
I'm not sure why I've slacked off so much with blogging. I feel like I say this with every blog I write now because they've become so sporadic. Maybe the excitement is sizzling. I don't think so because sometimes when I do things I feel it would be a great topic to write about. I think it's just gotten a tad more difficult with all the stuff I have going on. Family. Friends. Makeup. School. Work. Grateful for it all, don't get me wrong, but it does take a lot of my time. I very much look forward to sitting on my couch and binge watching on old tv shows I've already seen several times. What can I say, it's the little things.
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