It's hard for some to imagine (or for most of the guys still out there) but I sometimes really miss Dubai. Don't get me wrong, I love being home and being settled, but something about that place left me feeling I wanted more. There isn't much to do out there, there are strict laws, the locals are rude AND you can't buy alcohol there! Dun dun dun! Well I should rephrase that, you can buy alcohol in designated places, such as hotels and certain restaurants. You can't go to a store and pick up a bottle of Jack or get a six pack of Stella. For this you have to take a 2 hour drive into another country. I did it. Quite the experience might I add, but that's a different story. I sometimes wonder why I miss Dubai. Like I said, there isn't much to do out there. All you would literally need is a week to do pretty much everything there is to do, and you'd still have time to relax. I guess I miss it because of all the heartfelt memories and deep meaning that place...