Arabian Nights
It's hard for some to imagine (or for most of the guys still out there) but I sometimes really miss Dubai. Don't get me wrong, I love being home and being settled, but something about that place left me feeling I wanted more. There isn't much to do out there, there are strict laws, the locals are rude AND you can't buy alcohol there! Dun dun dun! Well I should rephrase that, you can buy alcohol in designated places, such as hotels and certain restaurants. You can't go to a store and pick up a bottle of Jack or get a six pack of Stella. For this you have to take a 2 hour drive into another country. I did it. Quite the experience might I add, but that's a different story.
I sometimes wonder why I miss Dubai. Like I said, there isn't much to do out there. All you would literally need is a week to do pretty much everything there is to do, and you'd still have time to relax. I guess I miss it because of all the heartfelt memories and deep meaning that place has to me. For one, it was the first time Miguel met our daughter. He wasn't present at her birth due to his job. Second, it was my first time going to a foreign country (Mexico doesn't count) alone and with a 3 month old! I was petrified! Don't even get me started on the missions I had to bust each time I had to go to the restroom. Lastly, I think it was the feeling of being alone, yet, not alone. I had my family. We had to rely on each other. Our families and friends were a day behind! We had no one but each other.
I believe these are the reasons why Dubai has a big place in my heart. There are A LOT of memories for me and my family there. What's funny is we really didn't get to do much. We couldn't go out to dinner because Miguel worked the late shift, we couldn't go to any nice hotels where they actually sold alcohol, because we had no sitter and when we were finally going to do something "tourist" like, we got the word we had to go home the following day.
I'd like to go back and visit someday and do all the things we didn't get to experience. Not sure I'd want to stay for an extended amount of time. All I need is a week to do everything I want to do. Besides, before we left my tolerance for the locals was growing slim. Had we stayed longer, I probably would have gotten lashings and been arrested. Again that's another story.
I sometimes wonder why I miss Dubai. Like I said, there isn't much to do out there. All you would literally need is a week to do pretty much everything there is to do, and you'd still have time to relax. I guess I miss it because of all the heartfelt memories and deep meaning that place has to me. For one, it was the first time Miguel met our daughter. He wasn't present at her birth due to his job. Second, it was my first time going to a foreign country (Mexico doesn't count) alone and with a 3 month old! I was petrified! Don't even get me started on the missions I had to bust each time I had to go to the restroom. Lastly, I think it was the feeling of being alone, yet, not alone. I had my family. We had to rely on each other. Our families and friends were a day behind! We had no one but each other.
I believe these are the reasons why Dubai has a big place in my heart. There are A LOT of memories for me and my family there. What's funny is we really didn't get to do much. We couldn't go out to dinner because Miguel worked the late shift, we couldn't go to any nice hotels where they actually sold alcohol, because we had no sitter and when we were finally going to do something "tourist" like, we got the word we had to go home the following day.
I'd like to go back and visit someday and do all the things we didn't get to experience. Not sure I'd want to stay for an extended amount of time. All I need is a week to do everything I want to do. Besides, before we left my tolerance for the locals was growing slim. Had we stayed longer, I probably would have gotten lashings and been arrested. Again that's another story.
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