In An Octopus' Garden In The Shade


Photo: NY Times

Photo: Apparenting

Most people who know me know that my birthday is a pretty big deal for me. I have no clue why I love it so much but I do. I won't deny that the excitment of my birthday isn't quite the same as it was when I was younger. Still, I look forward to my special day.

I decided to celebrate in Vegas this year. It's hard to believe that my first time there was 10 years ago. I had a great time! Did the usual gambling and boozing. I got to hang out with some friends and of course had my wonderful beau next to me the whole time. It was really nice to get away for awhile from the everyday routines.

One thing I did do different this time around was catch the Cirque du Soleil Beatles' Love show. It was AMAZING. Words can't express how extraordinary it truly is. I was crying within the first 3 minutes! The excitement and emotions I felt were too much for me to handle. One of the most beautiful parts in the show for me was when they performed Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. It was simple, yet so beautiful. I had a lot of favorite parts and I don't want to go too much into detail for those who haven't seen the Love show. If your a Beatles' fan you have to see this. It's such a wonderful experience. There was a part in the show where I was crying so much I couldn't see anything! My eyes were filled with tears and I was about to start sobbing loudly. Luckily I managed to catch my breath and avoided making an arse of myself.


  1. OMG! YOU WENT! say no more please! I want to go one day and I want to take my nieces and nephew because we're all huge Beatles fans. I'm soooo jealous!

  2. Yes I did! See you should have gone. You have to see it! We're already planning a trip back for summer. We want to take our parents out there and have our mothers see the LOVE show. I think they'll love it!


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