
I totally goofed up! I feel like a total arse! Of course me being me, I didn't realize this till after the fact. On my last blog (All You Need Is Love) I totally made it seem like I don't appreciate Mr. Andrade. I felt terrible when I read it again the following day. When I typed up the blog I thought it was cute and simple (which it was) but I don't think it did him justice. Now I realize I should have gone into further detail about how much I appreciate him and all that he does for me and Sami. After all Valentines day is for both of us not just me.

Claw, I want you to know that I appreciate you, and everything you do. I know your tired when you get home from your long work hours, yet you still make time and find energy to play with Sami. I know sometimes I drive you nuts with my constant nagging and wanting 20 hugs a day, yet you always find a way to laugh at me and give me at least 5 of those hugs. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being there for me and listening to my novela stories. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for being the great father that you are. Thank you for taking care of our little family and thank you for loving me with all my quirks. I love you and am blessed to have you in my life and lucky to have been where I have been...


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