Magic Bullet? Oh, Yes!

About a month ago my dad gave me a magic bullet. For those of you not familiar with this amazing product, it's basically a blender that allows you to do anything and everything! Best product evah! It's small, convenient, has a recipe book AND comes with 4 personal mixer cups. I absolutely love it! Thanks to this beautiful little gadget I've been making myself smoothies almost everyday. I'm not trying to toot my horn but, my smoothies are delicious! I cannot recommend it enough. It saves you money, chops all your veggies, helps keep your booze habit going with all the different concoctions you can make and its so small it won't take up any space at all! If you don't have one, get one!


  1. did you see they have one specifically for baby food making? the bullet was awesome when E was in the early stages of solid foods. after he was off breast milk the bullet made all his meals. :)

  2. No I wasn't aware there was even this one. Good to know in case we ever decide to have another offspring ;)

  3. any plans for a sam sibling? i'm done. one is enough for me. :)

  4. Yea we both want another one. We'd like for them to grow up close in age. Maybe you'll change your mind in the future ;)


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