Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
I really don't understand why we as women torture ourselves.We are our worst critics. Who are we trying to impress, ourselves or someone else? Who are we comparing ourselves to that we feel we have to meet a certain criteria to feel beautiful? I'm sure we all have friends who are a size 3 and complain about having love handles or being "fat". Then we have our curvier friends who complain about their hair or their nose or their ears, basically anything except their weight. We ask ourselves how size 3 girl could be so lame and how curvy girl could be so self-assured. Even though she just finished stating all the things she disliked about herself. Realistically speaking we're not as bad as we make ourselves out to be. I'm sure a lot of us have looked at pictures from our younger years and thought "Wow, I really wasn't that bad." I know I have. I don't want to keep looking back at old pictures and thinking that I wasn't as horrific as I made myself out to be. I want to enjoy being who I am now. I mean seriously, I can't afford half the surgeries I'd like to have, so I have no choice but to accept who I am. Which come to think about it, isn't really all that bad.
I say we all try this. Tomorrow morning or tonight before we all go to bed, we should stand in front of our mirror and try finding something different. How about we find something we ACTUALLY like about ourselves. I'm sure there are plenty of beautiful attributes that are totally getting neglected with our constant nagging of things we want to change about ourselves. Life is young ladies. Let's start appreciation the countless fabulous qualities we already have. All you have to do is look.
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