Smooth As A Baby's...

Turns out baby wipes are more than just for a baby's butt. As most of us mothers know, baby wipes do wonders! They're great for everything and anything! For us make up loving mothers, I would totally suggest using baby wipes to remove your make up. I am currently out of eye make up remover and decided to try and take off my mascara with my daughter's baby wipes. Totally worked AND left my skin feeling refreshed. I've used baby wipes in the past on road trips and to clean some of my purses, never used it to try and remove my make up. I'm not saying I'm going to replace my usual choice for make up remover (which by the way is Avon's Moisture Effective Eye Make Up Remover Lotion, I absolutely love it and totally recommend it) but at least I know I have options.


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