Everyone Is Working For The Weekend

This by far has been one of the best weekend I've had in quite sometime. Mr.Andrade and I had our date night on Friday. We decided to trek out to Pasadena and have some Italian food. I made the suggestion of going to Louise's Trattoria. I had been there once before and remember the food being delicious. This second time around, not so much. I had the seafood Alfredo and Mr.Andrade had chicken parmigana. Unfortunately, both of our dishes were very disappointing. We both came to the conclusion that maybe it was a bad night for the cooks and would come back another day. After dinner we decided to go out and have some drinks. We decided to go to Kelley's and have a few. Bad idea. That place really isn't what it use to be. As soon as I got there I wanted to leave. We had A drink and then took off. We then met up with my buddy Jacob at Imperial Strip. Mr.Andrade thought he was winning because, he swore up and down it was a strip club. He was sadly disappointed when we arrived to see it was just a another dive bar. It was nice hanging out with Jacob. We got to see him on his birthday weekend and got to catch up. It was a fun little night. There was people making out left and right (I felt like I was at a high school house party) and some drunk chicks fell. That was the best!

Imperial Strip
Saturday we decided we wanted to do something Sam would enjoy. We opted for Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. None of us ever been there so it was something new and exciting for the three of us. Sam seemed to enjoy it very much. Apparently, all the fishes are named "Nemo". The place is pretty small but it was cool. Mr.Andrade and I seen an eel and seemed more excited than Sam. She was very blah about it. When we got to the area where you can actually touch the fish, that was a different story. Sam LOVED it. She was so excited about touching all the "Nemos" and just putting her hands in the water. She even touched a shark! I didn't even touch the shark! She was having a ball. Towards the end of our trip we decided it would be a good idea to have Sam's face painted. Turned out to be a bad idea. She flipped out! We pretty much forced her to get her face painted. We though it would be cute. Sam however was not happy at all. She was feelings for the remainder of the day.
Aquarium of the Pacific

Aquarium of the Pacific

Sunday I'd have to say was the cream of the crop. We went to CicLAvia! We had been talking about this for awhile. I put it in our calendar and was counting the days for April 10th to arrive! It finally did and we couldn't be more ecstatic. Mr.Andrade loaded up our bikes in the morning and off we went. We started the 7.5 mile bike ride at Hollenbeck Park. As soon as we got there you can feel the positive energy. There was a guy recording video at the park. When he seen us riding up he yelled out "Another family! Yes! You guys rock! You guys are awesome!". I felt like a celebrity. The beginning of our ride was a little hard. I guess because we had to warm up. After 10 minutes we had a good pace going and the pain began to go away.

The streets were crowded with cyclist. It was such an amazing sight! It felt so cool to be able to ride the streets of L.A without having to worry about traffic and parked cars. It was very liberating and in a weird way it felt like we took the city back. There was a massive crowd of different races, ages and sizes. It felt so magnificent to be part of something historic. We made a pit stop at City Hall to grab a bite to eat. It was one of designated rest stops. After that we were on our way with minimal stops. We passed Macarthur Park but didn't stop. Oddly enough we weren't too tired. Finally we make it to Melrose which was the end of the course. We were so happy and excited. Everyone had smiles on their faces and seemed to be feeling accomplished. We didn't really stay too long in Hollywood. Sammi was hungry and we wanted to get back before 3. That was the time CicLAvia was over. In total we did a little over 15 miles in the span of 2 1/2 hours. Some of my favorite parts through out the course was riding through Little Tokyo and Downtown L.A. There was so much to see. I felt as though I was discovering a new city. I'm glad Mr.Andrade, Sammi and I got to be a part of it something so spectacular.








  1. Wow that Ciclavia looked like lots of fun!

  2. It was! They're doing it again in July. You should do it!

  3. If it makes you feel better, I seen a hipster fall down.

  4. If you want to try REAL Italian food, check out Pizza Buona. I've been going there since I was 5 yrs old! They have their original recipes from Mr. Bozza back when it was called Pizza Bozza and their food is A M A Z I N G! Bike ride looks cool btw.

  5. It was! There's another one in July if your interested.


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