Happy Birthday Lady Day!!

Today would have been Ms. Eleanora Fagan's (a.k.a Billie Holiday) 95th birthday. Although she's been gone for many decades now, her sultry voice still gets me to the core. When I listen to Billie Holiday it often makes me feel like I'm in some jazz dive bar. I picture the place very dark, smoky, filled with men in suits and women in their best Sunday dresses. This might not be a high end bar but the patrons sure do look it. The stage is small and has one light center stage. The crowd anxiously awaits for Ms. Lady Day to get up on stage. The bartender pours himself a drink, having it ready for when his favorite song is sung. The lights begin to dim, Ms. Lady Day steps on stage as the audience looks on. They seem to be hypnotized by her voice and beauty.

This is what I picture when I listen to Billie. I like to put her records on and pour myself some whiskey. I must admit I haven't done that in quite sometime but, I use to do it almost religiously. Her music gets me to the right down to the soul. Its as though you can feel her pain through her songs. Very captivating.
Billie Holiday still captivates millions of listeners today. Her voice and music are timeless. It always surprises me to see new generations being such fans. I remember when my sister was in high school she did a paper on Billie Holiday. I was so happy and proud of her! I couldn't believe out of all the musicians out there she chose Billie! I was happy to see I had some influence on her musically. 

When when I was younger I always said if I ever had a daughter, I was going to name her Billie. I did have a daughter but sadly did not name her Billie. When I would daydream of naming my beautiful baby girl Billie, I never thought about her father not liking the name. This was the case. She may not be named Billie legally but in my heart she is.

If you don't have any Billie Holiday in your music collection, do yourself a favor and go to your local music shop (if those still exist) or just got to itunes and get some Billie. After all, no one should be deprived of such greatness!

A few of my personal favorite and suggestions would be:

Good Morning Heartache
My Man
Don't Explain
Lover Man
He's Funny That Way

I could go on and on so I'll just stop there.


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