Santa Monica Classic

My bib.

Mr.Andrade trying to stay warm.

Julie to the rescue!

We sure did love those 1 minute walking breaks.

Great scenery.

Trying to win our bet (which he did grr).

C'est finite!

First Timers.

Today was the day that I started training for over a month ago. My 5K. I'm not sure if I had jitters last night but I couldn't sleep a wink. I woke up feeling ridiculously tired. Mr.Andrade and I had to get up at 5 A.M. to get ready and give ourselves plenty of time to pick up our race info.

Our drive was a little quiet even though we were both excited. It was gloomy and sprinkling. We figured it was going to rain through out the race. I didn't bring a jacket but luckily my friend Julie had me covered. She was nice enough to bring me a poncho. Turns out I didn't need it. Ten minutes before our race started, the rain stopped and the sun came out. The morning was looking lovely.

We started walking towards the starting line and I was feeling a little nervous and excited. It was really cool seeing all the runners there. There was people of all shapes and sizes. The best part however was seeing the kids. I was surprised to see so many running the 5K. I felt like a wuss HA! I kid I kid, but it was cute. My friend Julie had set up her watch for our running intervals. We decided we would run 5 minutes and walk 1 minute. It seemed to work out perfect. I was worried about Mr.Andrade since he pretty much hadn't run at all. He did great! My friend Julie also did amazing. She's 6 months pregnant and still running marathons! Truly an inspiration and excellent motivator.

We finished the race in 42 minutes. I hadn't listened to my ipod at all since Julie and I managed to have a good convo going through out the race. At the end however, we decided to try and sprint it. I made sure to prepare for the occasion. As I was crossing the finish line I was playing the ultimate motivational song. Joe Esposito's "You're The Best". I'll tell ya what, I sure felt like it.


  1. I'm so proud of you, Sandee! You rocked the pavement out there. You showed that you are a strong and dedicated runner that wasn't going to let lack of sleep, nerves and rain out do you. You were a great running partner and I truly can't wait until our next race together! Keep up the great work.

  2. Thank you so much Julie! You really inspired me. Seeing you run the L.A. marathon prego was a WOW moment for me. It made me realize I have no excuse not to get my lazy arse off the couch. I'm also looking forward to our next race. Happy running :)


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