
Apparently I've always had one. Just never really knew it till my early 20s. First time I was made aware of it was when I called KROQ. Kevin & Bean had some contest going on for some Smashing Pumpkin tickets. I won the contest (of course). After telling me that I won and all that good stuff, they started asking if I was "hispanic" (I hate that freaking word). I told them that I was Mexican. They asked if I knew how to speak Spanish or was I like the King of Mexico who had the accent but, didn't know a single word of Spanish other than the Taco Bell menu. I said yes I speak Spanish fluently. They then proceeded to try and hook me up with the King of Mexico. True story.

I think I was in denial about having an accent for some time. I refused to believe I had an accent. Then I started working at the phone company and all doubts were gone. I have an accent. I can't tell you how many racist callers I've had. There was no denying my accent then. I've had people tell me they wanted to speak with someone who spoke English because they didn't speak Mexican. All very true.

I take pride in my roots. I am proud of my heritage. I feel honored to be part of such a beautiful and amazing culture. I have to admit though, part of me feels embarrassed of my accent. That kills me to say it! I should probably edit that part out. I feel so exposed! However, its true. I think I feel that way because there are people out there who assume your dumb if you have an accent. That's what bothers me the most. Sometimes I catch myself trying to speak clearer or carefully listening to how others speak. It really bugs me that I do this.

There are times where I don't care. This is who I am. Why should I be ashamed of having an accent? It makes me interesting. These are little things I tell myself as a reminder that its ok to have that bilingual accent. Funny thing is English or Spanish, I have an accent. Screw it guess I'm a pocha.


  1. I love that last line! "I guess I'm a Pocha". Sandee, you're the best! You're walking like you're talking, I love it!


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