Diary Of A Teenage Drama Queen Vol. 2
Never A Dull Moment. |
I haven't had much to blog about lately. I'm not sure why. I know sometimes I can sound repetitive so I want to spare your precious time. Another reason has been due to us preparing for our Hawaii trip! Yay! So till my muse decides to pay me another visit I shall bore you in other ways.
In my last entry I decided to open the vault and pull out some of my old writings. As I previously mentioned most of my writings are dark and kind of depressing. Also not that great. I started reading some of them and they are still very personal to me. I don't feel ready to open up in that way. I remember referring to my journal as my soul. I'm not sure if I still feel that way but its still pretty interesting to see a kid writing that kind of stuff.
This next entry is not dark or gloomy its actually pretty sweet. This was another attempt to write when I wasn't feeling down. I wrote it for my cousin back in high school. We were super close then and I thought it would be cool. She always loved my writing and I deemed it best to show my gratitude by writing something for her.
Ode To Our Bond
(Written January 20, 1998)
Oomfoofoo and Sandunga
What peculiar names,
that match our personalities,
the way the stars match the night.
We've had laughter and tears,
pain and sorrow,
but most of all we've had each other.
The loss of our loved ones
to disease and violence,
has brought us together,
so we can get through the madness.
The bond of our friendship,
is like a legend that never dies.
It only gets stronger,
as each year passes by.
They try to keep us apart because,
they say I'm the bad apple.
If only they knew,
our bond can't be torn apart.
The trust, love, and unity we have
is something that is a great deal in our lives.
Friends do come and go,
but cousins stick around for life.
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