Summertime Rolls

The Birthday Boy

Sam with her abuelito. Excuse the mess in the garage.

Mr.Andrade and I waiting for our lunch and michiladas.

Night Riders!

Sami with her coffee. Don't worry she didn't drink that alone. We shared.

C'est moi.

What a great summer weekend! The last long weekend we had I had to work so I was really looking forward to the 4th of July. We didn't do much but we did enough. We went shopping for our trip to Hawaii, did a little bike riding and hung out with our family. It was really nice being able to get out.

Friday was my papi's birthday so we went to my parents' house after work. Luckily I was off early that day but me being me, still managed to get there late. Mr.Andrade and I had a couple of errands to do. One of them being getting my pop's birthday gift! The other was getting my parents' a ceiling fan. Mr.Andrade wanted to buy AND install it for them. He's the best! He wanted to surprise them with it. That he did. Turns out my family had been waiting for us to show up so they could cut the cake. I felt a little guilty but knew they'd understand since we came bearing gifts and all.

Saturday we went for an evening bike ride and Sam loved it! Well, I did too, its not everyday I get to go out on a bike ride. It wasn't a long ride or anything. Short and sweet. We rode to Wal-Greens and then to Starbucks. They're all in the same shopping center so it wasn't out of our way. I got Sami hooked on "coffee." That's what she calls the vanilla bean frap at Starbucks. Mr.Andrade told me that while they were waiting for me outside of Wal-Greens Sami kept saying "Coffee! Coffee!" and some lady overheard and got a chuckle out of it. She was probably thinking what are we feeding our kid.

Sunday I decided to ride my bike to my parents' house. I had been wanting to do it for quite sometime but hadn't actually done it. I should say I had done it in the past just not with Sam. I finally had the gall to do it and I must admit it felt good. However, the sun sure took a beating on me. I think I went while the sun was at its worse. Sam seemed ok. She was cool and had plenty of water. It took me about 30 minutes to get there and about 20 to cool down. My legs were shaky and my face was super red. My family teased me a bit and the kids kept wanting me to give them a ride. I manged to muscle my way out of it. Mr.Andrade arrived shortly after (via car) and enjoyed some good food and good company.

We didn't get to see my family light the fireworks. We left early to catch the firework show at South Gate Park. We had V.I.P seats (our front lawn) and didn't want to miss the show. I never realized how many people enjoy the firework show at South Gate Park until I moved near by. It gets pretty crazy and jam packed. There was people charging 5, 10, even 15 dollars for parking! Luckily we didn't have to worry about anything other than enjoying the show.


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