Dole Plantation

There was so many things we wanted to do while we were out in Hawaii but unfortunately weren't able to do quite a few. It was a tad difficult trying to plan out our days with a toddler. Sam is a good kid for the most part but she's entering the stage of the "terrible twos" and is in the stage of discovering. Trying to tell her no don't do this or don't do that, turned out to be harder than expected. We had to give up doing a lot of big outings to make sure to keep her busy, happy and most importantly safe. 

One of the things we managed to do was a tour of the Dole Plantation. We all loved it. The plantation is pretty big. I wouldn't be able to give you acres (although I'm sure I remember hearing it on the tour) or anything like that but it seemed big to me. They had a small train that gave you a tour around all the crops. Unfortunately we didn't get to see much of anything other than dirt. They had just had their harvest. It was still a nice train ride and Sam loved it. She kept saying "all aboard" I think she got that from some dinosaur cartoon. I should know the name but I don't. After the train ride we took a stroll around their garden it was quite lovely. Sam loved the freedom we gave her. We let her run around and smell the flowers. There was also a maze on the plantation but we skipped that part of the tour. We didn't want to risk losing Sam somewhere in there.

After our little rendez vous in the garden we ended our trip with some delicious pineapple ice cream. One of my close friends did me the favor of making me an itinerary and put pineapple ice cream was at the top of list. She swore it was the best. It was. I so regret not going back for more. It truly was delish. 


  1. well sammi looks like she had a nice vacation. i always kid with the husband that vacations are actually more work. i need a vacation to recoup from the actual vacation. a change of pace is always welcome, throw in a gorgeous beachy place and it's all okay. :)

  2. She actually did. At first she was afraid of the water so we had trouble convincing her to go in but once she was over her fear, we had trouble getting her out! So funny but true, vacations are more work sometimes. Fortunately I was able to have an extra week off :).


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