I'll Always Love My Momma

The cowboy and my mommy dearest.
My mommy dearest cracks me up sometimes. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but, she can be very dramatic at times. My sister and I often refer to her as "Albert" a character from one of my favorite movies "The Birdcage". If you haven't seen it you must! For Sam's birthday we decided to make it a family day and take her to Disneyland. My mom was totally stoked being that she hadn't been in quite sometime and she was finally getting her Disney pass. We all have one except my dad, he's not big on the whole amusement park thing. Since Sam's actual birthday landed on a Thursday our Disneyland trip turned out to be perfect! No lines, no crowds and not too hot. For some reason that day most of the characters were out. Not that we were complaining. One of our faves is Woody. We all love Toy Story so it was very exciting to see the cowboy. I think he was on his way to a show because he seemed to be in a rush. I asked to take a quick picture and before I knew it my mother jumped in the picture. I thought it was cute and silly. When I seen the picture the following day I couldn't help but laugh. My mom looked so happy. It was very sweet to see. This is now one of the many favorite pictures I have of my mother. I love you mami. Can't wait to go to Disneyland again.


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