
Showing posts from June, 2012


I stumbled across this entry a few days ago. It was in an old vans notebook. It's always pretty cool when I find some of my old writings scattered around. Sometimes I feel like writing and just grab whatever is in site. Sometimes when I read my stuff it automatically takes me back to that day. I can remember exactly what I was doing and feeling. Other times I don't really recall why I wrote what I wrote and try to remember if it was for someone else or myself. Either way it's always pretty neat coming across my old thoughts. This has not title only a date. I hate when I don't title my entries. I always try to think of the perfect title for my writings. When I can't think of anything at that time I put it away in hopes of it coming to me later. I usually end up forgetting about it. At least it has a date. Sometimes they don't eve have that. September 23, 2004 You have to learn to let things go Accept yourself for who you are You are you no matter...

First Day of School

Yesterday was Sami's first day of school. I was a bit nervous and excited about it. She had been asking to go to school for quite sometime and being that she is still a toddler, it was a bit difficult finding one that would accept her. We finally found one near our home so it worked out nicely. I was a little scared when I walked Sam to class. I knew she'd like it but I wondered how'd she behave. Her Nina (my sister) also came along for Sam's special day. We were both eager to see how'd she react. As expected Sam behaved quite well. She interacted well with the kids and for the most part, listened to her teacher. There was a couple of times she had a hissy fit because she wanted to play and it wasn't play time. I was a little frustrated with that because I didn't know what to do. I had to take her outside a few times to scold her AND explain to her that it wasn't playtime. Other than that she was good. She didn't want to leave and kept saying she...

Where Nobody Knows

The Kings of Leon hold a special place in my heart. I think it's fair to say that's our band. By our I mean Mr. Andrade and I. There are certain songs that pertain to certain times in our lives. I'd say A LOT of their songs. That's pretty rad if you ask me. No matter where I am or what I'm doing, if Kings of Leon comes on my iPod or the radio, I automatically pause and smile. I am instantly reminded of all the memories we have made so far. Not only do we have a love song, we have a bitching band! Aww who knew I could be so romantic?

Tricycle! Tricycle!

Sometimes it's tough being a parent. Aside the obvious things such as tantrums, yelling, not wanting to sleep in their own bed, teaching them manners, and a lot of other things I'm sure most parents can relate to. Recently I came across a new dilemma. Mean kids. I'm not saying my kid is an angel but I try to teach her to be nice to everyone. For the most part she is with the exception of her dad, uncle and godmother. She tends to beat them up. Kids however, she seems to play well with. So when I see a kid being mean to her in any way shape or form it drives me nuts. It automatically makes me pretty damn bitter. Especially if the parent fails to step in. I try to keep my cool because they are kids and naturally they will get into it but I have to admit it's not easy. I know unless it's something serious there is really no reason to say anything. In the end the kids will make up and I and the other parent would probably still be upset at each other ov...

Time For Sam's First Trek

Sam learned how to ride a tricycle in one day. I was pretty amazed. I didn't think she'd get it that quickly. I figured she'd master riding backwards before being able ride forward. It only took a couple of coaching lessons and voila! She was on her way. She seemed to get everything down fairly well with the exception of turns. She still has some trouble with that. Nothing a little practice can't take care of. We're pretty stoked about getting Sam her first little bike. The one on the video is her little cousin's. Once she she gets her own they can start a tricycle club. It seems with each passing day Sam's growing at faster rate. My heart breaks a little bit each time. A couple of weeks ago one of our former neighbor's daughter graduated from high school. I was commenting to Mr. Andrade how I still remember her walking around as a little girl. Now, she's a beautiful young woman, graduating and off to college! I told him pretty soon that was goin...