Time For Sam's First Trek

Sam learned how to ride a tricycle in one day. I was pretty amazed. I didn't think she'd get it that quickly. I figured she'd master riding backwards before being able ride forward. It only took a couple of coaching lessons and voila! She was on her way. She seemed to get everything down fairly well with the exception of turns. She still has some trouble with that. Nothing a little practice can't take care of. We're pretty stoked about getting Sam her first little bike. The one on the video is her little cousin's. Once she she gets her own they can start a tricycle club.

It seems with each passing day Sam's growing at faster rate. My heart breaks a little bit each time. A couple of weeks ago one of our former neighbor's daughter graduated from high school. I was commenting to Mr. Andrade how I still remember her walking around as a little girl. Now, she's a beautiful young woman, graduating and off to college! I told him pretty soon that was going to be Sam. The thought alone of my 2 year old graduating from high school and leaving for college had me in tears. Mr. Andrade teased me a bit but I seen him get a little bummed too. After all, that is his little girl.


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