
Showing posts from June, 2013

THAT parent.

Sami's Gummy Bear Ice Cream. Sami feeling super cool with her kid's pack. Sami and her nina. Sami is not impressed.  Sami being Sami Before I was a parent and I went to the movies I use to hate to hear kids cry and whine. If it was a kid's movie it was totally understandable. I mean, it is a kid's movie. Anything other than that I found unacceptable and totally inconsiderate of the parents. I know it sounds harsh but I speak the truth. When Sami was born my views had not changed. Being a parent did not stop me getting annoyed by screaming kid's. I might have been slightly more tolerant. Who am I kidding? My views were exactly the same. Which is why we never took Sami to the movie theater. We took her to the drive-in once. That was a close as it got. I refused to take her the movie theater because I refused to be THAT parent. Last week I finally decided to give it a shot. I was a little skeptical and scared because I wasn't sure how she...

CicLAvia Iconic Wilshire Boulevard

We had a man down in the beginning of our trip. Luckily help was close by. Poor Julian was so startled. The medic was doing his best to help him relax.  Some of the riders from this trip. Jessie and Albert. I've known Albert since Jr. High. Pretty crazy. What are they looking at?  It was nice to see my old stomping grounds. I miss this place. Home. My favorite picture. I absolutely love it.  This past Sunday I did my third CicLAvia. I wasn't sure if I was going to go but I'm so glad I did. Each trip to CicLAvia has been with different people. Each time just as memorable and enjoyable. Originally Mr. Andrade and I were going to ride this one together. We both love Downtown L.A and the Miracle Mile area. Unfortunately he had to work so wasn't able to make it.  I was a little bummed when I found out Mr. A was not going to be riding with me. At first I didn't want to go but ended up having a change of heart last minute. I look fo...

I Was Falling In Love...

This little medley totally reminds me of when Mr. A and I were starting to hang out and I started getting feelings for him. I remember listening to this song over and over. Lord knows I'm a big fan of the repeat button and I was sure putting it to use with this song. I remember listening to it and getting a big ol' smile. I'd start to kind of daydream. I'm not sure if I ever told Mr. A about this song and my thoughts. He's not too keen on romance so he'd probably shrug it off. I do know however, that I added this song in a mixed CD I made him. I doubt he made the connection but at least I knew he was listening to it too. Listening to this song now still makes me daydream. Maybe, I should say reminisce about how I would play the song over and over and get that cheesy smile on my face. Truth be told I still get that same smile.


Tamale Ninja I was organizing my pictures and came across this little gem. This was from Christmas last year. We spent it with Mr. Andrade's family and as is tradition on his side (and most Mexican families), 10,000 tamales were to be made. I might be exaggerating on the numbers a little but I'm sure not by much. Mr. A's mom decided it would be a good time to get Sami started on learning how to make tamales. She actually did fairly well. Her tamales were tiny but she got the gist of it. This was a shot of Sami thinking she was all bad after making her first tamale.