CicLAvia Iconic Wilshire Boulevard

We had a man down in the beginning of our trip. Luckily help was close by.

Poor Julian was so startled. The medic was doing his best to help him relax. 

Some of the riders from this trip. Jessie and Albert. I've known Albert since Jr. High. Pretty crazy.

What are they looking at? 

It was nice to see my old stomping grounds. I miss this place.

My favorite picture. I absolutely love it. 

This past Sunday I did my third CicLAvia. I wasn't sure if I was going to go but I'm so glad I did. Each trip to CicLAvia has been with different people. Each time just as memorable and enjoyable. Originally Mr. Andrade and I were going to ride this one together. We both love Downtown L.A and the Miracle Mile area. Unfortunately he had to work so wasn't able to make it. 

I was a little bummed when I found out Mr. A was not going to be riding with me. At first I didn't want to go but ended up having a change of heart last minute. I look forward to these events so much I even save them in my calendar. I make sure not too book anything on those days so I can have the option of going. I was fortunate enough to find out some of my friends were going to be heading out so I decided to tag along with them.

This was the shortest CicLAvia I've done so far. It was only six plus miles. I was hoping it wasn't going to be as crowded as the last one. And it wasn't. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to ride my bike at a decent cruising speed. Not like the last one. It felt like I was walking my bike most of the route rather than riding it. The only difference this time around was I seen way more people falling down and eating crap. Sometimes it was their fault, sometimes it wasn't. I, myself, almost came close to falling when some douche bag decided it was a good idea to stop right in front of me. I jumped off my bike in time to avoid a collision all while giving him the death stare. 

The scenery was ok. I didn't feel I seen as much as in the past. Maybe because it was a shorter route or just because I'm familiar with the area. Last CicLAvia I felt like a total tourist looking around everywhere going "WOW!" with my mouth open and all. One thing that I did fall in love with though was a mural I came across of Edward James Olmos and Jaime Escalante. I had to stop and take a picture. I felt like a total geek (as usual) when I seen it. I just kept thinking Captain Adama and Jaime Escalante! Totally made my day.


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