Ta Ta Tot Time

Today is Sami's last day at her Tot Time class. The class isn't officially over yet but she starts pre-school next week and will no longer be able to attend. She was two weeks shy of finishing the class. She's going to miss the graduation party they make the kids moving on to pre-k. That along with a few other things made me sad. She had been with these kids since she was 2 years old. There is one little girl in particular who loves Sami and always greets her as soon as she walks in. As soon as she sees Sami walk in she'll say, "Hi Samantha!" and Sami will walk over to her and they either walk away holding hands or sit down and begin to play. Sigh, I know this is part of her growing up but jeez how it stings.

Kaylee, Sami's little greeter.

Sami not looking at the camera as usual. 
Snack time.

Kaylee telling Sami she has to go to her birthday party.

Sami doing the same.

Getting ready to go. 

I bought the kids cupcakes as a going away token from Sam. I should have taken a before picture but totally forgot.


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