Counting Flowers On The Wall

Sami and her little gifts. 

I was going through the pictures in my phone seeing which ones needed to be deleted and found this little gem. This is was one of the many flowers my daughter loves to give me. We were out in West Covina that day waiting for our tires to be rotated and in walks in Sami with this little beauty. I thought it was very sweet. I loved the colors. I immediately gave her a hug and a kiss and she happily skipped away to go outside with her dad.

Seeing this pictures makes me a little sad. My baby is growing up. I know it's part of life but it fucken hurts. Soon my baby will be starting pre-school and before I know it Jr. High (or middle school as it's called now, I just hate to do so) and high school. Then she will hate me and I will probably hate her, through that period. Of course, not, literally hate each other but the whole teenage and parent war that goes on in that age. Sometimes I wonder if I'll get lucky and she'll be a good teen. I doubt it. I think part of me doesn't want her to be either. I see me in her a lot at this young age. She's strong willed and pretty down for her shit. Even her dad says he sees me in her. He's gone as far as to call her "Little Scully" when she acts up. I'm not saying I want her to be AS crazy as I was but, I do want her to have good clean fun. I'm not looking forward to us arguing and fighting but I know it's inevitable. 

I do look forward to the time we become best friends again. When she will come to me for advice and guidance as I do to my mother now. I know that the bratzilla I was with my parents Sam will be with me. So no need to constantly remind that I will go through what my parents went through. I know. Whether I'll be ready for it we'll see. I love my child with all my heart and soul. I hope she grows up to be a beautiful person. A giving and understanding one. As I mentioned, I see a lot of me in her. Especially the sensitive part. That's one trait I truly wish she didn't get from me. It sucks being sensitive. Even now I get feelings. We shall see. I'm just happy to be there along the way. Enjoying every moment as much as it may or may not hurt. Love you Sami Wami.


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