First Day of School

Uniform is ready to go.

Ready for her big day!

She does these poses on her own. 

...and off she goes. I had to hold back my tears. 

End of day. Sami looking to see where I was. Me taking pictures.

Last week was Sami's first day of pre-k. I can't believe she's already in pre-school! It just seems like yesterday there was a baby rolling around (literally) the living room because she couldn't quite crawl yet. She had to roll to get to wherever she wanted. It was quite cute actually.

Sami's first week went as expected. She was excited and I held back tears. I think I would have cried had there not been so many parents around. I would have been a little embarrassed. As I was saying goodbye to Sami, I put my sunglasses on as soon as I felt the waterworks wanting to come. They didn't, thankfully.

I drove off feeling sad. It hurt to leave my baby behind. Not literally of course but, you know what I mean. When I picked up Sami she was just as happy as she was when I dropped her off. She seemed to like her new school. She asked me a few times during the week about her friends from her Tot Time class and complained about the uniforms all week. I forgot to mention that part, she hates the uniforms. Truth be told so do I. Everyday there is the uniform battle. She complains about the white shirt and blue bottoms. As soon as she gets home she can't wait to get out of them. I, of course, am more than happy to comply. I'm not the one wearing them and they even bug me. I'm not sure if she'll ever get use to the whole uniform thing but part of me hopes she doesn't. I'm not sure why to be honest. I guess I feel, she feels, they're trying to stop her from expressing her little personality through her clothes. If that's the case it's nice to see her have a strong spirit so young. I'll nurture it as best as I can. 


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