Compact Discs
I think I'm one of those very few people who still buy CD's. Don't get me wrong I don't buy all my albums on compact discs. I only buy the ones from artist I truly and deeply love. I still remember walking into Music Plus and buying my first CD. It was the Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dreams album. I was stoked! I listened to that album over and over. I remember staying up till midnight to watch the Disarm video. I was so not let down. These last couple of weeks I've bought two CD's; I bought John Legend's Love in the Future and Kings of Leon's Mechanical Bull. Although I don't spend days and days listening to my albums like before, I still kind of geek out when I remove the wrapping. I also don't pay much attention to booklet anymore. Maybe I should. It would be nice to sing along with the album again.
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