VIP Status

Some of the goodies from the show. 

I was super stoked about this. I had been wanting this forever. 

It had been about 3 or 4 years since the last time I seen Kings of Leon perform live. That was actually my first and only time I had seen them. The show was at the Hollywood Bowl and my compadre had given Mr. A and I some tickets to the show. They were sold out and he managed to score a pair. He felt it was almost a sin if we didn't go. The reason for that is because Kings of Leon is pretty much my and Mr. A's band. Some people have songs, we have a band.

Although we loved and appreciated our experience very much, we knew the next time around we had to go all out, and we did. When I found out Kings of Leon came out with a new album I knew they'd be coming to town soon. As soon as I found the sale dates I was on it! I wanted to surprise Mr. A with the tickets and give it to him as a birthday gift, his birthday is next week, but since I was dropping mucho dinero, I needed to run it by him. Naturally, he said yes. 

Having gotten the green light on the purchase I went all out. I got us the v.i.p package. It included some gifts and memorabilia and amazing seats. The show was this past Friday and we were pretty blown away by the treatment. We had our own bar, appetizers and merchandise stand. That was one of my favorite parts. No standing in line with all the other fans. This was strictly for v.i.p people. The show was amazing! Local Natives had opened up for them. I was pretty stoked about seeing them as well. They put on a great show and seemed like sweet guys. Only complaint of the show were the people in front of us. I think they were probably the most annoying fans known to man. It was a large group of them and they were just the worst. I don't know why but somehow Mr. A and I always end up by annoying fans. I can't help but wonder if that was me back in the day. 

By the way, this is still part of Mr. A's birthday gift. I spoiled him that day and told him the tickets were coming straight out of my pockets. Also, I forgot my camera or else I'd have pictures of the show. Talk about ultimate fail. 


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