The Plate That Keeps on Giving

 You can see where I've had to glue the frame because it broke. The Social D lettering use to be red once upon a time. 
So, we got a new car, which means my infamous license plate frame is getting transferred over to the new wheels. We didn't get rid of the Orange Bang, that would be blasphemy! We traded in Mr. Andrade's old crappy wheels for a bigger roomier carro.

This license plate frame has been with me for eons. I believe I got it in 2000 at a Social D concert. I remember seeing it and knowing instantly I had to have it. It's been with me for 3 cars now, scratch that---make it 4, and I plan to hang on to it for as long as I can. I've gotten tempted to get a new frame, maybe a Disney, or Packers, or Dodgers but can't seem to look go. I know it looks all beat up and stuff but I feel it gives it character.

Besides, after my sister called my car a "mom car" I need to add some cool factor to it.


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