
Showing posts from September, 2018

Oldest Friends

I realized not too long ago that Sami is now the age I was when I met some of my closest friends. I have a few friends that I met when I was way younger, but I'm not sure I'd call them friends. We don't text or call, we keep in touch thanks to social media. Not complaining, I'm grateful to still be able to see what they're up to through these forums, but I don't think we'd be considered friends. If that makes sense. I have vivid memories of the few friends that I met at her age. One of them I met at my abuelita's house. I remember going outside to play with him and the rest of the guys. As it has been most of my life, I was the only girl. I didn't mind. I always felt a little too rough around the edges to play with girls my age. It most definitely paid off in adulthood because somehow I always felt ahead of the game when it came to guy bullshit. I remember my abuelita wouldn't let me go outside to play because she said I'd fall and scrap...

Twenty Years

Group shot! Blurry but cute.   El Billy y Jeff. SP   Super sweaty but happy to finally see The Pumpkins. It's been twenty years since the last time I saw the Pumpkins. Twenty. Fucken. Years. Ok, maybe not twenty, I did win tickets to a secret show thanks to KROQ (back when it was cool) and got to see them in 2000. That's besides the point and does not make for a good blog! Besides it wasn't a true concert, it was a secret show. Ha! Smashing Pumpkins has always been ONE of my all time favorite bands. I remember being a kid, walking into Music+ (that was a magical place where they sold nothing but music; true story) and picking up my first CD: Siamese Dreams. That was the first CD I was able to buy with my own money. I remember I couldn't wait to get home and play it. Even the unwrapping of the CD was a spiritual experience for me. I made sure to be careful as to not to damage the booklet when I took it out of the CD case. I carefully placed...