
Showing posts from 2019

Christmas Card 2019

This was gonna be the year that we were gonna take family pictures and send out Christmas cards. We use to send out regular Christmas cards every year, not sure why we stopped. I think most people throw them out, us included. We do keep the pictures ones though. I love seeing how much the kids change throughout the years. Maybe next year I'll finally start the tradition of family picture Christmas cards, but for now here's an impromptu picture of the girls meeting Santa. As you can see, Emma looks starstruck, Sami like an experienced big sister and Adele like she's over it. Wishing you all a merry Christmas!

Third Trimester

The day we found out we were expecting. Baby announcement  It feels so good to finally say I'm in my last trimester. I've had a few complications along the way which has me on restrictions, so being here is a blessing. I remember when I first found out I was pregnant I was in denial for a good month. I took four pregnancy tests and was still in shock. I couldn't believe it. We had been trying for a bit and nothing was happening. I found out I was pregnant in a Starbucks restroom; true story. I had mentioned to my friend that I was late but didn't think anything of it. I just figured my cycle was changing or something. She said I had to take a test because she was sure I was and I was sure I wasn't. Needless to say, she was right and I was wrong. I'm glad she was with me when I found out. So far this pregnancy I've managed to keep my maternity clothes shopping to a minimum. I've bought two pants, one pair of shorts and a top. All on sale. I d...

Sami Discovers CDs

Today Sami was blown away by what a CD was. I had to explain to her it played music. I ordered Brandi Carlile's CD through amazon and popped into the dusty CD player in my car. The first song played and Sami was impressed. When song number two started she was totally surprised. "It has more than one song?!" I realized then that she truly had no idea what a CD was. I was a little bummed by this. I can't believe my child was part of the next generation that wasn't going to know the joy of unwrapping a brand new CD. I took out the booklet and showed her the artwork. I told her it even had the lyrics so she can sing along. Then she totally blew me away when she asked: "Mami, can we add this album to my playlist...oh, wait never mind we can't." Sami thought that because it was a CD the music could not be added to her iPad. I had to explain that I got most of my music through my CD collection. I explained we put the disc in the computer and it'll ...

Birthday Blues

Shameless old picture of myself. Just cause it's a birthday post.  I love my birthday. I think I've said it in past posts before, but me being the lazy arse that I am, didn't bother to look. Let's just pretend that I did. Ha! I tend to get the birthday blues a lot. I'm not sure why. Well, maybe it's because I build it up so much in my head as this big event. Technically for me it is, but yea. This year was no different than the past years. I got down about it. The only difference was I couldn't seem to shake the blues away, AND I really didn't feel like doing anything at all. Everything felt kind of forced on my part. I felt I was doing thing just for the sake of doing things on my birthday. I'm not sure if it's because of my hormones or because I've finally reached that alleged age where people don't care about their birthdays. I remember when I was a kid, even as an adult, I'd get so excited about my birthday. Older people ...

New Year, New You?

New Year, new me. Ehhhhh j/k First off, happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great time ringing it in. It was a very low key one for us this time around. We spent it at the parental units house, with my brother, uncle and cousin. It was nice and chill. We played some board game and ended the night with an intense couple of games of UNO. This year I decided not to do any resolutions. I usually don't anyway but had started up with them a couple of years ago. I don't buy the hype of "new year, new you" bullshit. I feel you don't have to wait for a New Year to make changes in your life that you feel need improvement. If you're about that life, props to you, I'm just not one of them. I had already started making minor changes prior to the New Year anyway. I've been staying off of facebook a lot lately. I'm not anti-facebook, or anything, it's just it was consuming a lot of my time. I was going to bed feeling guilty, about not spending more ...