Third Trimester

The day we found out we were expecting.
Baby announcement 

It feels so good to finally say I'm in my last trimester. I've had a few complications along the way which has me on restrictions, so being here is a blessing. I remember when I first found out I was pregnant I was in denial for a good month. I took four pregnancy tests and was still in shock. I couldn't believe it. We had been trying for a bit and nothing was happening. I found out I was pregnant in a Starbucks restroom; true story. I had mentioned to my friend that I was late but didn't think anything of it. I just figured my cycle was changing or something. She said I had to take a test because she was sure I was and I was sure I wasn't. Needless to say, she was right and I was wrong. I'm glad she was with me when I found out.

So far this pregnancy I've managed to keep my maternity clothes shopping to a minimum. I've bought two pants, one pair of shorts and a top. All on sale. I don't want to spend a lot of money on clothes I plan on using temporarily. The downside to that is that I feel I look kinda shitty since I'm using my regular clothes. It doesn't really accent the tummy nicely like the other pregnancy mommas, but then again I think the only time I looked cute pregnant was with Sami. 

Although the first trimester I felt awful due to morning sickness, I've appreciated every moment. I'm going to miss the baby's movements the most. I don't think anything beats the feeling of your little one wiggling inside of you or react to certain foods or sounds. Emma loves talking to my tummy. I think when the baby arrives Emma is going to be one she recognizes the most; beside her mami of course. 

I'm hoping to take maternity/family pictures this time around. I didn't with Sami because I was so depressed and Mr. A was out of the country due to work. We were going to take pictures with Emma but the day before the shoot I had to go to the hospital to get checked out due to complications (I had issues with her and Sami, too) and ended up getting admitted.  So maybe this time we'll finally be able to make it happen. If we do, maybe I'll post some on here. Maybe. 


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