Hello It's Me...


So, it turns out I'm a tad late with this blog. I had totally forgotten about it until I logged into post the Christmas card one; and there it was in my drafts. I didn't even end up posting that one either. I know I've gotten bad with my blogging, but I feel I've gotten way worse now. Things have also been crazy since April of last year. I was pregnant and ended up being placed on bed rest because my pregnancy became high risk. Although I felt physically fine, I wasn't. My doctor advised me to keep my activity to a minimal, no lifting anything heavier than 5 pounds, no walking (other than around the house), no stress, no nothing! I think it brought me down because I was stuck at home. My only outings were going to my million doctor appts. It got to the point where I looked forward to those because it meant leaving the house. 

Those infinite appointments ended up working out because they were able to see that my amniotic fluid was low. They weren't able to see why, but they were able to tell me that I had to be admitted into labor and delivery, for further observation. The funny thing is that I had just had my prenatal checkup the day before. I remember I was 36 weeks and the nurse told me not to have the baby that day because she would be considered premature. I was shocked because I was certain that I was considered full term already. She advised me that I wasn't and that one day made a difference. I remember laughing it off. The next day I had to have some tests done and that's when they saw the low fluid. I had just turned 37 weeks. I remember thinking how crazy is that, and that the nurse jinxed me! Ha!

After being admitted into L&D for observation, the doctor informed me I would not be leaving. She said since I was already 37 weeks, they felt it was best that I be induced and have the baby. I thought to myself, "not again." I went through the same thing with Emma, except she was an actual preemie. They told me I'd have to take some medication to soften my cervix which would be a total of 6 doses. I believe it was every 4-6 hours, I don't remember the exact time, I just remember the doses. Then after that they were going to give me pitocin to start the contractions. I asked for epidural right away. I had the other girls without any drugs and I wasn't about to go to raw dog again. I was advised that it was to early, that it was going to take about 3-4 days before I actually went into labor. 

I was given the first dose at 10pm and wheeled to my delivery room. Mr. A was there with me throughout most of the time. He showed up right after work while I was still at observation. I told him not to worry about getting off early because I was gonna be there for awhile. They tied me up to all the machines to check the baby and stuck me with IV and some other stuff. 

I remember trying to get some sleep because I hadn't been sleeping well for quite sometime. The hospital was no different and probably worse with all the wires on me. I remember I was finally dozing off around 2am and then at 3am the nurse came in to give me my second dose of medication. I tried going back to sleep but started to cramp about 30 minutes after taking the medication. It started to become a bit uncomfortable so I rang for the nurse. I asked her if there was anything I could take for the pain because it was starting to be a bit much. She said no. Same spill I got last time, that it was to soon and I was looking to be there for a few days before I even would start the contractions. "Fine." There wasn't anything more I could say. She suggested I walk around to help ease the pain, since I was going to be there awhile that would be totally fine. I thought it was a great idea and woke up Miguel at 4am to help me. 

As we began the tedious task of unhooking me from all the wires, I told him that I had to go to the restroom. I handled my business, washed my hands and all was well. Seconds later, I felt the urge to go to the restroom again, but I knew I didn't have to go. I scooted back down on the toilet and told Miguel I couldn't get up anymore. The pain had just come full blown. I told him to call the nurse. She comes in and I told her I needed something for the pain because there is no freaking way I could be like that for 3 days! She offered motrin or something but advised it would make the baby sleepy. At that point I felt I had to push. Keep in my mind I'm still sitting on the toilet. I told the nurse I think I was starting to crown and had to push. She seemed very nonchalant and tried to get me back to bed to check me. "I can't move!" was all I can manage to blurt out. Mr. A later told me that he got flashbacks of Emma's birth. He had tried to comfort me but I yelled at him not to touch me. Happened again this time. He tried to help me up and I ended up yelling at the poor guy not to touch me. 

Needless to say, Adele made her presence at 4:41am in the Kaiser restroom. No she didn't touch the toilet. I delivered my own child. In the restroom. By myself. Mr. A was by my side and the nurse in front of me, but it all happened so quick I'm not sure they had to time to react. I pulled out the baby and wrapped her up in my gown. Mr. A said I pulled her out and held her high, like the scene in the Lion King when they're introducing Simba. I told him I did that to make sure the baby wouldn't touch anything haha. 

The nurse told Mr. A to run and get help. It felt like an eternity before any nurses showed up, but it was 4:41am, and I wasn't set to go into labor for another 3 days. Also, they were short staffed that night. My nurse was the nurses' boss. She had to come on the floor because they needed the help. 

All my kids' births have been an adventure. Guess Adele didn't want to be the odd one out and decided to steal the show. Wanted to show here sisters there's a new sheriff in town. 

Adele is seven months and I just mailed out her announcement and thank you cards. See, I've been lagging all over the place!


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