Circa 1998 When I was in Jr. High and High School I use to do a lot of writing. Not saying it was good, or made sense but, I would write my little heart out. Problem was the only time I could write was when I was feeling debbie downer. I tried writing when I was feeling chipper but it just didn't seem the same. Here is one of my attempts of trying to write while not feeling blue. I was/am a big Tori Amos fan. I think the title will confirm that. Pele & Vera (written May 19, 1998) The chirping of the crickets, the sparks of the night, Made one little girl very uptight. The boy named Pele with the big head, and big feet. Was in love with Vera, the hooker from down the street. Vera was the one who charged 10¢ an hour. Buy her liquor and drugs, and she'll give you more than just the hour. But poor little Pele, didn't want it to be just business. He wanted Vera to be his misses. Vera was reluctant and said "No way man!" So poor little Pele just decided ...