
Showing posts from July, 2011

Vacation All I Ever Wanted

The cube. Finally! Last day of work and then its off to paradise with the familia. Au revoir cubie. Don't miss me too much. I shall not miss you.

Diary Of A Teenage Drama Queen Vol. 3

Circa 1994 I can almost remember writing this. I was in Jr.High sitting in class daydreaming as usual. I remember thinking of Kurt Cobain. It had been a month since his death. I was pretty bummed about it and just felt like writing. This is what I came up with. Hoe (written May 24, 1994) Her life is cheap Her soul is empty Her life that's weak is quickly ending Her shoes are old Her shirt is wasted Her body's old But what a hoe

Le Shopping

Like most women, I LOVE SHOPPING. I hate the mall but I love shopping. I usually like to hit up places outside of the mall. If I have to go to the mall I go to certain stores only. I don't walk around the whole mall trying to find stuff I like. I don't love shopping that much. Anyhow, today I had to make a pit stop at the Citadel during my lunch hour. I had to return some stuff at Old Navy and naturally, came out with new stuff. I hadn't realized until today how much I really love Old Navy. They have thee best deals! If you really want to get your bucks worth though, go to the Old Navy at the Citadel. That store truly does give you outlet prices. I had gone to the Old Navy in Downey Landing on Monday and seen some decent prices. While at the one at the Citadel today I realized they were way cheaper. Example: same outfit at Old Navy Downey 30 bucks at the Citadel 20! No freaking joke. The staff are sweet AND the store is well kept. If your in the mood for shopping but ar...


Most people have fond memories of the shows they grew up with. The Brady Bunch, Family Ties, Full House, The Cosby Show etc. I loved all these shows myself but can't say I remember them as vividly as I remember Married with Children. I can honestly say I grew up watching The Bundys. I remember trying to make comparisons to my own family. My mom would get a chuckle out of it. Oh, Bundy's how I love thee.

Diary Of A Teenage Drama Queen Vol. 2

Never A Dull Moment. I haven't had much to blog about lately. I'm not sure why. I know sometimes I can sound repetitive so I want to spare your precious time. Another reason has been due to us preparing for our Hawaii trip! Yay! So till my muse decides to pay me another visit I shall bore you in other ways. In my last entry  I decided to open the vault and pull out some of my old writings. As I previously mentioned most of my writings are dark and kind of depressing. Also not that great. I started reading some of them and they are still very personal to me. I don't feel ready to open up in that way. I remember referring to my journal as my soul. I'm not sure if I still feel that way but its still pretty interesting to see a kid writing that kind of stuff. This next entry is not dark or gloomy its actually pretty sweet. This was another attempt to write when I wasn't feeling down. I wrote it for my cousin back in high school. We were super close then and I...

Diary Of A Teenage Drama Queen Vol.1

Circa 1998 When I was in Jr. High and High School I use to do a lot of writing. Not saying it was good, or made sense but, I would write my little heart out. Problem was the only time I could write was when I was feeling debbie downer. I tried writing when I was feeling chipper but it just didn't seem the same. Here is one of my attempts of trying to write while not feeling blue. I was/am a big Tori Amos fan. I think the title will confirm that. Pele & Vera (written May 19, 1998) The chirping of the crickets, the sparks of the night, Made one little girl very uptight. The boy named Pele with the big head, and big feet. Was in love with Vera,  the hooker from down the street. Vera was the one who charged 10¢ an hour. Buy her liquor and drugs, and she'll give you more than just the hour. But poor little Pele, didn't want it to be just business. He wanted Vera to be his misses. Vera was reluctant and said "No way man!" So poor little Pele just decided ...

Summertime Rolls

The Birthday Boy Sam with her abuelito. Excuse the mess in the garage. Mr.Andrade and I waiting for our lunch and michiladas. Night Riders! Sami with her coffee. Don't worry she didn't drink that alone. We shared. C'est moi. What a great summer weekend! The last long weekend we had I had to work so I was really looking forward to the 4th of July. We didn't do much but we did enough. We went shopping for our trip to Hawaii, did a little bike riding and hung out with our family. It was really nice being able to get out. Friday was my papi's birthday so we went to my parents' house after work. Luckily I was off early that day but me being me, still managed to get there late. Mr.Andrade and I had a couple of errands to do. One of them being getting my pop's birthday gift! The other was getting my parents' a ceiling fan. Mr.Andrade wanted to buy AND install it for them. He's the best! He wanted to surprise them with it. That he ...