
Showing posts from August, 2013

Open Book

Sometimes I wish I could share personal stuff on my blog. I mean, I do, but super personal stuff. Sometimes I read people's blog where they totally open up about things that happened in their life. Things that are ridiculously personal. I always admire them for that. I can't imagine sharing some of that stuff with friends and certainly not sharing it on here. I've always thought of myself as an open book but as I've gotten older I've come to realize that is certainly not the case. I open up to some people. Even then I pick and choose who knows what. It's funny how different friends know different aspects of my life. I don't think anyone knows everything. I'm not sure when this started happening but somehow it has. Sometimes I do wish I can totally open up to someone. Just kind let it all out. For some reason I can't. Not sure if it's because I'm scared of being burned, judged or feeling exposed. I know that every time I tell someone a s...

First Day of School

Uniform is ready to go. Ready for her big day! She does these poses on her own.  ...and off she goes. I had to hold back my tears.  End of day. Sami looking to see where I was. Me taking pictures. Last week was Sami's first day of pre-k. I can't believe she's already in pre-school! It just seems like yesterday there was a baby rolling around (literally) the living room because she couldn't quite crawl yet. She had to roll to get to wherever she wanted. It was quite cute actually. Sami's first week went as expected. She was excited and I held back tears. I think I would have cried had there not been so many parents around. I would have been a little embarrassed. As I was saying goodbye to Sami, I put my sunglasses on as soon as I felt the waterworks wanting to come. They didn't, thankfully. I drove off feeling sad. It hurt to leave my baby behind. Not literally of course but, you know what I mean. When I picked up Sami she was j...

Ta Ta Tot Time

Today is Sami's last day at her Tot Time class. The class isn't officially over yet but she starts pre-school next week and will no longer be able to attend. She was two weeks shy of finishing the class. She's going to miss the graduation party they make the kids moving on to pre-k. That along with a few other things made me sad. She had been with these kids since she was 2 years old. There is one little girl in particular who loves Sami and always greets her as soon as she walks in. As soon as she sees Sami walk in she'll say, "Hi Samantha!" and Sami will walk over to her and they either walk away holding hands or sit down and begin to play. Sigh, I know this is part of her growing up but jeez how it stings. Kaylee, Sami's little greeter. Sami not looking at the camera as usual.  Snack time. Kaylee telling Sami she has to go to her birthday party. Sami doing the same. Getting ready to go.  I bought the kids cupcakes as a g...

Counting Flowers On The Wall

Sami and her little gifts.  I was going through the pictures in my phone seeing which ones needed to be deleted and found this little gem. This is was one of the many flowers my daughter loves to give me. We were out in West Covina that day waiting for our tires to be rotated and in walks in Sami with this little beauty. I thought it was very sweet. I loved the colors. I immediately gave her a hug and a kiss and she happily skipped away to go outside with her dad. Seeing this pictures makes me a little sad. My baby is growing up. I know it's part of life but it fucken hurts. Soon my baby will be starting pre-school and before I know it Jr. High (or middle school as it's called now, I just hate to do so) and high school. Then she will hate me and I will probably hate her, through that period. Of course, not, literally hate each other but the whole teenage and parent war that goes on in that age. Sometimes I wonder if I'll get lucky and she'll be a good teen. ...

Downey Library

Sami trying to decide what book she wants. Story time. Sami seemed to be interested in this story. The Carpenters Showcase. The  other half of The Carpenters show case. Summer is here and we are officially blocked from Disneyland (we have the cheapy pass). Now with no Disney till mid-August we had to come up with other ideas to keep Sami busy and entertained. Mr. A suggested the library. At first I was a little skeptical because Sami isn't exactly the quiet type. She has yet to learn the difference between her indoor and outdoor voice. Truth be told I still have trouble differing from the two myself. I said what the heck and decided to give it a shot. I ended up going to Downey library because the South Gate one is closed at the time due to some remodeling. Not that I mind going to Downey they have The Carpenters showcase. I always love staring at it and going over every little detail. I love The Carpenters. Reminds me of my cousins and I pla...