
Showing posts from February, 2011

Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others

Today while trying to keep my sanity at work, a friend and I were discussing the many insecurities we as women have. She opened up about things she wasn't too comfortable with regarding her outer appearance. Some things I was surprised about, others didn't not so much. After going on and on about the things we'd nip, tuck or enhance, we both couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Why are women like this? I, like ALL women (I don't care who you are there is something about yourself you don't like) have things about myself I'm not too keen about. Funny thing is that even if I did fix the things about myself I didn't like, I'm sure I'd find something else to complain about. Bottom line I/we are never happy with ourselves. Why is that? Take my friend for instance. She's not a bad looking woman. She looks good, yet she feels she's fat, not super attractive and not photogenic. That however is not that case at all. She is far from fat and can...

The Perks

Apparently being a parent gets you V.I.P parking at Fresh & Easy. Score!

In An Octopus' Garden In The Shade

Photo: Photo: NY Times  Photo: Apparenting  Most people who know me know that my birthday is a pretty big deal for me. I have no clue why I love it so much but I do. I won't deny that the excitment of my birthday isn't quite the same as it was when I was younger. Still, I look forward to my special day. I decided to celebrate in Vegas this year. It's hard to believe that my first time there was 10 years ago. I had a great time! Did the usual gambling and boozing. I got to hang out with some friends and of course had my wonderful beau next to me the whole time. It was really nice to get away for awhile from the everyday routines. One thing I did do different this time around was catch the Cirque du Soleil Beatles' Love show. It was AMAZING. Words can't express how extraordinary it truly is. I was crying within the first 3 minutes! The excitement and emotions I felt were too much for me to handle. One of the most beautiful parts in the sho...


I totally goofed up! I feel like a total arse! Of course me being me, I didn't realize this till after the fact. On my last blog (All You Need Is Love) I totally made it seem like I don't appreciate Mr. Andrade. I felt terrible when I read it again the following day. When I typed up the blog I thought it was cute and simple (which it was) but I don't think it did him justice. Now I realize I should have gone into further detail about how much I appreciate him and all that he does for me and Sami. After all Valentines day is for both of us not just me. Claw, I want you to know that I appreciate you, and everything you do. I know your tired when you get home from your long work hours, yet you still make time and find energy to play with Sami. I know sometimes I drive you nuts with my constant nagging and wanting 20 hugs a day, yet you always find a way to laugh at me and give me at least 5 of those hugs. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being there for me and listeni...

All You Need Is Love

Thanks for the lovely surprise today claw. I love you too.

Intervention Time

It's official. I need help. I can not get enough of this song or show! I listen to this song about 15xs a day (no I'm not kidding). I put it on repeat while I'm at work. I get so embarrassed sometimes that I put on my headphones just to get my fix! It's gotten to the point where my toddler now sings along with me. All she can manage to sing is "no,no,no,no,no....yea,yea,yea,yea,yea" since she still can't fully talk. Help me! I'm addicted. I'm a Gleek! P.S. I actually got teary eyed (again) after watching this video (again). ES MY LIFE!!!

Weak Sauce

Being a mom is hard. Not hard due to my child, hard because everything cuts me deep when it comes to kids. Before I remember feeling that way when it came to animals. If I was watching a movie where a dog is hurt or missing, that would be the only thing on my mind until they brought him up. I still get like that with doggies but with kids its so different. Anytime I watch a show or movie and something happens to the mother or kids, it totally devastates. Even after its over the image still lingers in my head. Sometimes I'll even go and give Samantha a hug or a kiss. It's getting to the point where I just rather not watch certain things because I know I won't be able to handle it. I feel like a total wuss now. Total weak sauce!

Magic Bullet? Oh, Yes!

About a month ago my dad gave me a magic bullet. For those of you not familiar with this amazing product, it's basically a blender that allows you to do anything and everything! Best product evah! It's small, convenient, has a recipe book AND comes with 4 personal mixer cups. I absolutely love it! Thanks to this beautiful little gadget I've been making myself smoothies almost everyday. I'm not trying to toot my horn but, my smoothies are delicious! I cannot recommend it enough. It saves you money, chops all your veggies, helps keep your booze habit going with all the different concoctions you can make and its so small it won't take up any space at all! If you don't have one, get one!

Green & Yellow!! Green & Yellow!!

This song has been stuck in my head since yesterday! It still seems so unreal that WE (yes I did say we) are Superbowl champs! I don't care if I'm not on the team it feels like I won too! Congratulations Green Bay! The trophy is finally home!

So Bye-Bye...

52 years ago today Big Bopper, Buddy Holly and Richie Valens were killed in a plane crash. As most know its referred to as "The Day Music Died". Every year I get a little bummed on this day. I love Buddy Holly!! I do dig Big Bopper and Richie Valens but Buddy is my fave! They were all so young and in their prime. Richie Valens' career was under a year and he was already topping the charts! Buddy Holly's wife was expecting their first child and Big Bopper was finally getting the break he so desired. Ahh, so sad so sad. Hopefully one day I'll get to visit the spot where their plane crashed. I want to see their memorial. Oh, and one more thing I'd like to see is a movie about the Big Bopper. I mean seriously, we have one of Richie Valens (which I loved) and Buddy Holly (which as ashamed as I am to admit, haven't seen it) so why not the Big Bopper? Would be nice for him to get the same respects/ tributes these other guys had. He was just as good. It's ...