Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others

Today while trying to keep my sanity at work, a friend and I were discussing the many insecurities we as women have. She opened up about things she wasn't too comfortable with regarding her outer appearance. Some things I was surprised about, others didn't not so much. After going on and on about the things we'd nip, tuck or enhance, we both couldn't help but wonder the same thing. Why are women like this? I, like ALL women (I don't care who you are there is something about yourself you don't like) have things about myself I'm not too keen about. Funny thing is that even if I did fix the things about myself I didn't like, I'm sure I'd find something else to complain about. Bottom line I/we are never happy with ourselves. Why is that? Take my friend for instance. She's not a bad looking woman. She looks good, yet she feels she's fat, not super attractive and not photogenic. That however is not that case at all. She is far from fat and can...