Park Life
Sam and Mr.Andrade She caught me taking pictures. She was not amused. Freedom! Time to get some ice cream. I can't believe the weekend is over! Story of everyone's life I suppose. For being a long weekend I really didn't do much. Main reason being I had to work on Saturday. I tried not to let it damper my weekend too much. After work (I managed to escape my jail cell early) Mr.Andrade and I decided to take Sam to the park. I usually take her to the park during the week on my runs but, she never really gets to play. She's usually in her child carrier enjoying the scenery. We decided to make Saturday her day. She of course loved it! She was all over the place! She had a blast on the swings and slide. We had to pry her away to give other kids a chance to use them. We distracted her with her balls. We took two balls for her to play with. She seemed to enjoy that most. The freedom of being able to run around without anyone telling her no. We ended the...