
Showing posts from August, 2011


Blogster My 100th blog. I'm actually quite proud of myself. I didn't think I'd keep up with it. I had made several attempts in the past to blog and never really followed through. I think the reason for that was because I was using the blog as a diary and was trying to keep it low key. I would open up about my personal feelings and even about people in my life. I would use different names just in case they ever found my blog. After awhile it was hard to keep up with who was who. I've actually had a lot of fun with this blog. I think that's the main reason I've kept up with it. I look forward to writing (or typing) my little stories. I remember when I first started blogging I would tell everyone "follow my blog!" and I'd give them my little blogger link. I was so excited about it. I still am but am not as eager to gain followers. I think I gave up on that not too long ago. I figure if they want to follow they will. I also have a habit of chec...

For You I Bleed Myself Dry

One of my favorite pregnancy stories ( I don't have too many of those unfortunately) was when I was in my second trimester. I think it was my second. When I was pregnant with Sam I would listen to certain songs a lot. This was probably the main one. I would play it on my tummy, I would sing it in the shower, I would bump it in my car, just play it whenever I could. I wanted her to know this song. This was my song to my baby. This was my song to Sam. As I type this my eyes are already beginning to water. This song pretty much summed up my feelings for my little gal. It was a hot summer day and as usual, I hadn't slept all night. I had trouble sleeping and was grateful whenever I managed to catch a nap here and there. I was lying in bed feeling very relaxed. I could feel myself start to doze off and voila, Sam decides she wants to wake up and kick that crap out of me. I could feel her moving around like the hyper child that she is. I was not about to have it. I started hummi...

Ultimate Date Night

Mr. Andrade waiting for his dinner. Enjoying the edamame. The "fresh" drink. Waiting for John Legend & Sade. The long awaited Sade concert (with special guest John Legend)  finally arrived! I had been waiting for this concert since last year and it finally came!! Mr.Andrade was even looking forward to this show and boy was it worth the wait! I remember us constantly saying August! Ultimate date night! I had arranged with my mom to babysit Sam for the evening. She's usually the designated sitter when Mr.Andrade and I have our date nights. We had made dinner reservations before the show at Katsuya. Neither of us had ever been there but had heard great things about it. Turned out to be true. Dinner was delish! We had some house drinks, I don't really remember what they were called I just remember the server saying they had a fresh taste. They did. We had edamame and miso soup for starters and sushi for dinner. We managed to squeeze in de...

Common People

This by far is one of my all time favorite videos. I love, love, LOVE Pulp! I would have uploaded the video "Babies" but unfortunately I don't have that one and didn't feel like going through youtube. Chances are they'd have it but wouldn't allow me to play it on my blog or something. Bleh! These guys totally take me back to my high school days. Jarvis Cocker, how I love you and your awesomeness. Rumor has it he punched Michael Jackson in the face at an award shows. I'll have to look into that and get back to you. For now enjoy "Common People" its a great little tune.


Beaches I think its fair to say that most women have one. Someone they totally confide in. Someone who they share there inner most deepest secrets with. I'm not referring to relatives or a significant other. I mean a friend. A non-relative or non boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife. Someone who you go to complain about your relatives or boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife. No matter how "perfect" your mate is we all have to vent from time to time. Sadly, or not, I don't have a bestie. I have a handful of super close friends and plenty of acquaintances. No actual bestie. I think when it comes to friends I consider myself "single" in a way. Weird, I know. I'm just going out doing my thing not closing my options and seeing what's out there. Maybe I'll find a bestie. After all its not about how long you've known someone but rather how great of a friend they've been to you. Don't get me wrong I do open up to people. I am human and do ...

Terrible Twos

Don't let that smile fool you. Are exactly that, TERRIBLE! Sweet Jebus is my daughter crazy. I've heard stories of these phases, some say it will get better others, say it will only get worse. Let's hope its not the latter. I remember when my daughter was a baby (sounding like a stereotypical parent in 3,2,1) she would never cry. She really didn't. She didn't cry if she was hungry, if she was sleepy or with strangers. The only time she would cry was when she'd get her shots. Even then it wasn't anything dramatic and maybe lasted a minute at most. As soon as she turned 1 (literally) that all changed. My daughter has become a major crybaby. My mom thinks it has something to do with her birthday party. She said maybe having so many strangers around her scared her. Whatever the case may be, she is no longer that nonchalant child I once knew. I just hope this phase passes soon. I had considered having more children so Sam wouldn't grow up to be an onl...

Amy Amy Amy

I know it's been over a week since Amy Winehouse passed away and, I'm a tad late with posting my thoughts about the whole ordeal. I don't have much to say since most of it has been said already. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say Amy Winehouse some how made you want to say screw it! It's your life and you're going to do what you want to do. I know she did for me. Her music helped me cope through hard times (no, not drug addiction), gave me some of the best memories with  my fren (spelled that way purposely) AND just enhanced my screw it attitude. Amy, Amy, Amy, how I will miss you and your amazing vocals. Thanks for getting me through the hard times and the amazing memories that come to mind with your music. I love you.

Dole Plantation

There was so many things we wanted to do while we were out in Hawaii but unfortunately weren't able to do quite a few. It was a tad difficult trying to plan out our days with a toddler. Sam is a good kid for the most part but she's entering the stage of the "terrible twos" and is in the stage of discovering. Trying to tell her no don't do this or don't do that, turned out to be harder than expected. We had to give up doing a lot of big outings to make sure to keep her busy, happy and most importantly safe.  One of the things we managed to do was a tour of the Dole Plantation. We all loved it. The plantation is pretty big. I wouldn't be able to give you acres (although I'm sure I remember hearing it on the tour) or anything like that but it seemed big to me. They had a small train that gave you a tour around all the crops. Unfortunately we didn't get to see much of anything other than dirt. They had just had their harvest. It was still a ni...

On A Beach In Hawaii

Mr.Andrade & Sam packing Sam trying to understand why she's awake. Zombie mode. Waiting to board. Sam being a groucha. A little something to ease the edge.    Good entertainment I must say. Our small kitchen. Nice place to call home for a bit. Too cute.   Sesame Street, it follows us everywhere. Our living room.   La camita.   Sam's toilet. We can't leave home without it. It was wonderful seeing this before bedtime. Waikiki to be exact. This past week the family and I went on our summer vacation. We had decided sometime last year this would be our destination. Mr.Andrade had been there in the past (several times) but I had never been. We arrived at LAX about 3 hours early. Mr.Andrade swore we had to be there a day before or else we'd miss our flight (kidding). We spent the night packing away (actually Mr.Andrade did) and managed to sneak in a couple of hours of sleep. The flight to Hawaii wasn't too b...