My 100th blog. I'm actually quite proud of myself. I didn't think I'd keep up with it. I had made several attempts in the past to blog and never really followed through. I think the reason for that was because I was using the blog as a diary and was trying to keep it low key. I would open up about my personal feelings and even about people in my life. I would use different names just in case they ever found my blog. After awhile it was hard to keep up with who was who. I've actually had a lot of fun with this blog. I think that's the main reason I've kept up with it. I look forward to writing (or typing) my little stories. I remember when I first started blogging I would tell everyone "follow my blog!" and I'd give them my little blogger link. I was so excited about it. I still am but am not as eager to gain followers. I think I gave up on that not too long ago. I figure if they want to follow they will. I also have a habit of chec...