I can't believe I haven't blogged since July! I think this is the farthest I've gone without yapping on here. Not that anyone is missing my grammatically incorrect posts; however, for those who are (mainly my mom) I do apologize. I haven't blogged much mainly because I was either busy or lazy, I'm sure more so the latter. A few things have happened in the last couple of months. Sami has started some new bullshit grade called "transitional kinder" and we couldn't be more pissed about it. A new law came into effect last year in California changing the cut off date from December to September. This, of course, affects Sami. It doesn't matter that we've had her in school since the age of 2 or that she knows all the crap they're teaching her, due to her age, that's where she's at. We plan on fighting this once the school year is done. Mr. Andrade and I try to work with her at home teaching her extra things. His duties are math because m...