
Showing posts from 2014


I can't believe I haven't blogged since July! I think this is the farthest I've gone without yapping on here. Not that anyone is missing my grammatically incorrect posts; however, for those who are (mainly my mom) I do apologize. I haven't blogged much mainly because I was either busy or lazy, I'm sure more so the latter. A few things have happened in the last couple of months. Sami has started some new bullshit grade called "transitional kinder" and we couldn't be more pissed about it. A new law came into effect last year in California changing the cut off date from December to September. This, of course, affects Sami. It doesn't matter that we've had her in school since the age of 2 or that she knows all the crap they're teaching her, due to her age, that's where she's at. We plan on fighting this once the school year is done. Mr. Andrade and I try to work with her at home teaching her extra things. His duties are math because m...

The Letter

The letter: The inevitable has happened: I have returned to my desk job. I knew it was bound to happen. I pushed it out for as long as I could, but alas I could push no further. My first day back was Monday; however, technically, I was suppose to come back Thursday of last week. I opted to take vacation days Thursday and Friday. I took Tuesday off as well. Can you tell I'm super excited to be back? I will admit that it was nice to see the people I care about. They seemed happy to see me, while at the same time sorry to see me back. Not because they didn't want me back, but I think they kind of felt sorry for me. I had been away from all the bullshit going on in the office, away from all the new changes that have only made it even more unbearable to be at work. I had been safe, and now I'm back. Upon my return I was greeted with some cheers, and the usual negative vibes that are a constant in that office. I didn't expect anything less. That place isn't exactly fu...

Magic, Indeed!

I got a golden ticket. A little thank you from the band.  About 2 months ago I had one of the most the amazing experiences of my life; I got to go to a Coldplay video shoot. Now, this might not seem like a big deal to some, especially if you're not a fan, but you have to understand this was no ordinary video shoot; it turned out to be a taping for a documentary. They had been announcing secret shows and what not, about trying to win tickets. Naturally, I didn't win. So when my friend told me about the video shoot, I wasn't holding my breath.  When I received the email confirming my ticket the following day, I was shocked. It took awhile to sink in. I had gone to a concert the night before and ended up going to a friend's house after for some midnight drinks. Needless to say, I was hung over and short on time. Quickly, I started messaging those who I knew were true Coldplay fans. No one was able to go last minute. I said fuck it, popped a couple of pills...

Hawai'i 2014

Sami's in a great mood considering she had to wake up super early. They knocked out on their own, I didn't have to drug either of them. Dole Plantation train ride.  Throwing that shaka sign. Our daily lunch spot. I think this is, by far, my favorite picture of our  entire vacation.  Testing the waters. Don't mind the photo  bomber in the background. I love them. I'm fortunate enough to say that this is my 3rd trip to Hawai'i, and probably my favorite, so far. They all hold a special place in my heart, but this vacation just seemed perfect. It was long overdue. Sami had been doing the Hawai'i countdown since we booked our trip. We didn't do much this time around other than bum it at the beach. We skipped the luau because we had done it the previous two trips. We did the Dole Plantation and I did the maze for the first time. It was a lot of fun. Sadly the maze won us. We didn't finish it ...

VIP Status

Some of the goodies from the show.  I was super stoked about this. I had been wanting this forever.  It had been about 3 or 4 years since the last time I seen Kings of Leon perform live. That was actually my first and only time I had seen them. The show was at the Hollywood Bowl and my compadre had given Mr. A and I some tickets to the show. They were sold out and he managed to score a pair. He felt it was almost a sin if we didn't go. The reason for that is because Kings of Leon is pretty much my and Mr. A's band. Some people have songs, we have a band. Although we loved and appreciated our experience very much, we knew the next time around we had to go all out, and we did. When I found out Kings of Leon came out with a new album I knew they'd be coming to town soon. As soon as I found the sale dates I was on it! I wanted to surprise Mr. A with the tickets and give it to him as a birthday gift, his birthday is next week, but since I was dropping mucho din...


This will most likely be framed. I can't remember the last time I went to the store and actually bought a magazine. Sure I skim through all the b.s gossip about the Kardashians while at the check out. I'm always interested to see what those heifers are up to. My dirty little secret I suppose. Not so much secret anymore, right? Today while I was at the check out line at Walgreens I saw this magazine. I instantly ran to it and grabbed it. There was no doubt in my mind I was going to purchase it. I stared and stared at the cover for a few minutes. I was instantly taken back to when I was 14 years old, hanging out on the bleachers in Jr. High. I won't lie, I got a little choked up, as I always do when it comes to Kurt. I love Nirvana. This is my 3rd blog about them so far. I'm still hoping to go to Seattle. When I do go, you'll be the first to know. By the way, when I was getting ready to pay I noticed my total was $26+ bucks. I started questioning the c...

Time for Chores

Sami's hard work.  I should have taken pictures of her making the bed. I totally forgot. Lately I've been thinking of ways to have Sami help me around the house with chores. I know she's young and there's only so much she can do, but I feel now is the time to instill responsibilities into her daily routine. I had already been having her help make her bed. Yesterday, I decided it was time for her to go at it solo. She was pissed to say the least. She was complaining and whining the whole time. I made her try and do the best she can. She finished and it turned out to be a pretty damn good job! I tried to high five her to show appreciation, and maybe encourage her to want to do it again. No such luck. She was still mad and telling me she was going to tell her dad that she was never making her bed again! We'll see about that. 

My Funny Valentine

My perfectly romantic surprise.  See the empty spot? That was Sami.  Some better lighting.  Woohoo!! My favorite baggie! Sometimes I forget what an amazing man I have in my life. I whine and complain that he isn't romantic but then he busts out with something like this. I was putting Sami to sleep and I get a text from Mr. Andrade asking where the phone charger was. I reply telling him where it is and he says he's already looked there. I get up, a little annoyed, and see a candle lighting the way to my Valentine's gift. He always manages to trick me somehow. I have no idea how he does it but he does. Anytime he actually goes out shopping for me he always makes me walk to my own gift. It's quite funny, actually. I love my man so very much. I may bitch and complain about him, or to him, but he is truly an amazing person. Thank you for making me feel giddy and special after all these years. You are the best fiancĂ© ever! Happy Valentine's baby...


Sam getting her hair done by the amazing Amanda. Sami and her faces. This is actually after her second cut. She originally didn't want to cut it so we trimmed it. When Amanda was done Sami started complaining saying it she wanted it like Coraline. Amanda having to cut it, AGAIN. This is when Sami finally was asking for the Coraline cut. Coraline #2 Coraline, we owe you! Most people who know me know that I am not a fan of long hair. I don't like it all. Not saying girls with long hair don't look nice, some girls have gorgeous long locks but they're not for me. I think it has to do with the fact that when I was a kid my pop's refused to let me cut my hair. I use to cry and cry and my dad wouldn't budge. I remember for my second grade pictures I tucked my hair inside my dress and kind of pulled it out a little bit to give the impression I had short hair. I loved those pictures. One day, I think my mom either felt sorry for me or...

Soloist On The Solo List

El Tepeyac Cafe-Boyle Heights Some people freak out when I tell them I love going to restaurants alone. They think it's weird and can't imagine doing it. I find it to be the most relaxing experience ever. I can sit down, enjoy my meal and play with my phone if I choose to. If you've never done this I totally suggest you try it. One thing I've never done alone is go catch a movie. That is definitely on my to do list.