
Showing posts from March, 2011

Let Bygones be Bygones

Letting go is possibly one of the things I struggle with the most. Forgiving is easy but forgetting, oh, that is a way different story. I don't know if this something that most people struggle with or, if I stand alone with my feelings. I just know I hate feeling this way. I hate the lingering feeling that hides in the background waiting to come out at the most inopportune time. I hate feeling that I'm totally over something and then BAM! Here comes the rain again. I hate that crap! I wish I could just let things go. I don't know if this is a sign of immaturity or maybe the disbelief that someone could hurt me as much as they did. Either way, if I care about a person enough to forgive them, I should care enough to forget what happen. Easier said than done, right? Maybe one day it won't be so complex and I will actually let bygones be bygones. Here's to hoping.

Just Leave Your Heart In Tennessee

This is currently one of my top 5 favorite songs at the moment. Not just because of the name Tennessee (that's what I call my lovey) but, because it truly is a beautiful little melody. I heard it on my drive to work and it instantly made me feel all gooey and perty inside. I'm hoping to hear more from this little duo. They have total potential of being one of my faves. They probably already are.

It'Ah Really Is Ah His Birthday!!

This year Mr.Andrade turned the big 3-0. Being the hard worker that he is, he worked on his freaking birthday! I tried to plan something big and extravagant since he was turning 30 but, no dice. Mr. Andrade is a mellow dude when it comes to birthdays so, I had to cave and go with his wishes. Not totally might I add hehehe. The night started with a nice little romantic dinner for two at Frida's in Beverly Hills. The place is very small and very cozy. We enjoyed our meals and service. He had Carnitas and I had Enchiladas Tapatio. To drink I had a Chamoy Margararita and he had a Jack and Coke. Everyone was very friendly and the atmosphere was very low key. Guaranteed we will hit up that spot again. After dinner we went off to meet up with family and friends at a cool little spot called Down & Out. I instantly loved it! Their decor consisted of celebrity mug shots and pin up pictures. Mr. Andrade seemed to like it also, which is what mattered since we were there for him. It w...

The T

This might be way too much information to blog about but, I figured there might be some women considering birth control options. One of my favorite classes in my life long career as a college student has been Human Sexuality. I found that class totally informative on so many levels. My teacher was fantastic and ridiculously liberal. I absolutely loved her. Many things stand out from that class. The thing I recall the most was her topic on birth control. She said she had tried them all! I sure as heck believed her. She always said birth controls pills were the worst you could take due to all the hormones. If I remember correctly she said that was probably the one with the most hormones. Don't quote me on that though, its been awhile. She suggested a few others but I think some of them are discontinued by now. The birth control method she loved and emphasized on the most was the IUD. She said it had no hormones and you didn't have to worry about taking a pill, getting a shot, w...

Like A Tattoo

Today while I was on my last break my friend and I were discussing tattoos. I love them! I think they're pretty bad arse. I don't know why or where my fascination with ink started, just know it's there. What's funny is that I'm not a fan of piercings. The thought of having holes in my face doesn't appeal to me. No offense to those who have piercings, just not my cup of tea. Anyway, my friend and I were talking about what plans we have for future tattoos. She's prego right now and getting a tattoo is out of the question. I on the other hand need to save my pennies, cans and plastics in order to save money for a tat. I have plenty of ideas and after long deliberation, I finally know what I want! Well, I should say I'm certain about a few. I want to get something to represent my parents and daughter but can't seem to decide on what. I'm not really into the whole portrait tats. They look really sweet when done well but just not my thing. I also need...

Here They Come

Brit pop, how I miss thee. I remember in high school staying up late at night to listen to Rodney on the Roq. That was the only way I could get my brit pop fix. It usually wouldn't get regular air play. Watching this video instantly takes me back to when I was 16 driving around in my friend's mom's mini van. We'd go all over the place in that thing. She would always come up with all kinds of excuses so her mom would lend her the van. Sometimes she wouldn't ask she'd just take it. We always had our brit pop blaring on the radio thinking we were super cool. Awe, to be a know it all teen.

Magic's In The Make Up

Lately I've found myself getting frustrated at work. I go through phases where I like my job, I hate my job or I'm bored with my job. I'm currently going through the frustrated/bored at work phase. Frustrated is a new one. I don't think I've ever felt so frustrated at work till now. I think I feel frustrated because there is a lot I want to do but have the worst work hours ever! I go in to work too late in the morning to do anything before and get off too late in the evening to do anything after. I'm also frustrated because I know what I want to do with my life and again work stops me. This might seem like an excuse (and maybe it is) but at this time I don't have the option of quitting. I feel stuck and it's such a terrible feeling. I want to go to school and get a degree so I can be a counselor. I also want to go to cosmetology school to be a make up artist. My heart is more in the make up field rather than counseling but, you always need a plan b. Do...

Happy Times

Sometimes when I take time off from work to do things on my own, I feel a tad guilty. I feel I should be using that time to spend with Sam. This past week has been hectic and I felt I really didn't get to see my child. Solution, taking a day off from work to dedicate strictly to her. I called my mom so she can join in on our activities. She in turn informed my sister who decided to join us. Our day started with breakfast. From there we started to brainstorm trying to figure out what we were going to do. Of course the place had to be kid friendly so we were considering Disneyland. My sister and I could never get enough of it. Of course, neither can Sami. Unfortunately my mommy dearest doesn't have a season pass so we couldn't go. I offered to ante up the down payment for a pass, mommy dearest was not sold. We then decided to venture off to Discovery Science Center. Best decision ever. That place is perfect for kids. I had never been there and was pleasant...

Smooth As A Baby's...

Turns out baby wipes are more than just for a baby's butt. As most of us mothers know, baby wipes do wonders! They're great for everything and anything! For us make up loving mothers, I would totally suggest using baby wipes to remove your make up. I am currently out of eye make up remover and decided to try and take off my mascara with my daughter's baby wipes. Totally worked AND left my skin feeling refreshed. I've used baby wipes in the past on road trips and to clean some of my purses, never used it to try and remove my make up. I'm not saying I'm going to replace my usual choice for make up remover (which by the way is Avon's Moisture Effective Eye Make Up Remover Lotion, I absolutely love it and totally recommend it) but at least I know I have options.

G-Funk Era

I normally don't like to blog music videos back to back but, I just had to. You shall be missed Nate Dogg. You gave me many fond memories of my teenage years. Your music always put a smile on my face. Thank you.

My Favorite Kind Of Frapp

I love driving down the freeway to this song. This song always gets me going. I love taking long drives as it is and with this song bumping on the radio, it always equals a win! I double dog dare you to try it! Get in your car around 10ish when there isn't too much traffic (make sure its during the week, all of us Angelinos know how it gets on weekends) and put this song on and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Math, how I hate you!

It seems that I've become a lifer when it comes to school. I've been going to school forever! I'd like to get my A.A. and then transfer. Fortunately I'm pretty much done with all my classes. Unfortunately the class holding me back is math. I left math to the very end. I remember when I first started school a few people advised me to take my weakest subjects first. Of course I did the opposite. I figured I knew better (typical teen bleh). Now that I'm so close but yet, so far I am really struggling. It's really starting to get me down and I am losing motivation fast. Part of me feels like it already gave up this semester and the other part is telling me to keep going. I feel frustrated. I hope I'm able to get through this and at least get a passing grade. I'm not asking for an A I'm just asking to pass. I don't have time to mess up. I want to get this over with already, it's been long enough.


It's these little fake smiles that make ME smile and keep me going through out the day.

The Saint of Musicians

La Santa Cecilia As much as I love music, I find it hard to express myself when it comes to artists. I'm no music critic nor do I pretend to be. I just know what I like, what I feel and what makes me feel damn good. Music has the power to make me smile, cry, laugh or even get me angry. Music is my life. That being said, all I can do is suggest what I consider good music. La Santa Cecilia my friends, is good music. Their sound is as fresh as the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. They are a blend of latin jazz, with a pinch of cumbia and a dash of bolero. Highly addicting. A couple of my closest friends gave me their EP Noche y Citas and I can't get enough of it. They're music is available on Itunes and I would highly recommend checking them out. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Orange Bang!

I am loving this season's new colors. So far my favorite buy has been NARS lipstick, Heat Wave. The color is just gorgeous! When you look at it, it looks red but when applied looks orange. I can't get enough of it! It makes me want to get dressed up and paint the town red or, orange. It's a beautiful color and I think looks fantastic on almost any skin tone. If your looking for something bold and daring this season, definitely pick up Heat Wave. It is a matte color so if you want to add some shine, MAKE UP FOREVER has a nice gloss: D20, which will blend in perfectly. It gives you that perfect glossy finish making. I might need to stock up on these bad boys because I am surely going to run out.

I'm A Little Bit Country

Yesterday morning while I was getting ready for work, I decided to turn on the radio via my record player. It's old school looking (which I love) and has a tuner rather than a digital programmer. I don't mind having to fiddle around and find a decent radio station (as if they exist), except I often don't know what I'm listening to. So anyway, I find what I think is MY FM and decide to proceed with my daily morning ritual. If Sami is up, I make the bed, if she isn't, then I scurry around looking for something to wear as quickly and quietly as I can. That morning Sami was awake. As I was making the bed and watching Sami dance in her crib, I started thinking to myself, hmm these songs aren't too bad. I had no idea what I was listening to I just figured it was Taylor Swift. I heard a few songs and started to notice a pattern. They all talked about being "American". It did seem a bit odd but since I rarely listen to the radio, other than KCRW, I just figure...

Gray, Gray, Go Away!

Am I the only one in my age bracket that seems to have a ridiculous amount of gray hair? It seems like every morning I wake up to find new sprouting grays. Before I'd usually just pluck the grays away with no worries. Now it seems like I wouldn't know where to begin! Sigh, I guess I just have to accept the fact that these grays plan on sticking around. Thank God for hair dye!

Cherish The Day

August cannot come soon enough! Sade is one of my all time favorite female artists, I absolutely love her! I've had the pleasure of seeing her perform live once before. They were the worst seats ever. I didn't care at the time because what mattered was that I was there. The concert was at Irvine Meadows (I forget what they call it now) and had what were suppose to be lawn seats. We didn't even get to sit on the lawn, we had to jump a fence and sit on some hill type area. Either way it was a nice experience and the crowd around us was great. Now 10 years later, it matters. When I heard she was coming to town, I knew then I had to get the best seats I could possibly get my hands on. Luckily, I succeeded. I know some people might think I'm crazy because of the price but, I don't care. It's Sade!! She comes around once every 10 years (given by her touring track record). Now, to make it an even more memorable experience (and TOTAL moneys worth) JOHN LEGEN...