
Showing posts from June, 2011

La Flojo!

Photo by Okay, well maybe not so much but, I did it! Last week I mentioned not having  run in 2 weeks.  I was on a hiatus. I was freaking out today. I knew I had to run no matter what. I was trying to make ALL kinds of excuses trying to get out of it. I even attempted to bribe myself with a bike ride around town. The logic behind it was that I was going to be exercising regardless. In the end I guilted myself into running. Boy am I ever glad I did. It was tough and freaking hot! I had to drink some water during my run. I usually don't drink any water until I get home but today I felt if I didn't I would have passed out. I think I started off a little too fast because by the end of my run my feet felt like bricks. I was struggling to keep a good pace but I'm happy to say I made it. I ran the whole park and then some for 25 minutes non-stop. I was so beat by the time I was done. I was hot, red and sweaty. It felt empowering. The best part about my run w...

My Buddy & Me

 Sam I Am & Her Beloved  Sam I Am loves her Jessie doll. She can't go anywhere without her. If we're going to run an errand she'll panic "Chessie, Chessie!" and run around the house looking for beloved Jessie doll. Heaven forbid any of us do anything to her doll. Awhile back Sam was being a bratzilla and started throwing her Jessie doll at her dad. Mr.Andrade getting bothered by this, took the doll, and flung it across the room. You could have sworn it was Sam who got a closer look at the wall, then floor. She was hysterical! "Chessie! Cheessie!" was all we heard as she ran to pick up her beloved. She kept hugging and kissing it making sure she was ok. Very touching. There are times when I'm in the kitchen washing dishes and all I see is Sam I Am hugging her Jessie doll telling her she loves her. Oh, and when she watches Toy Story 2 and the scene with the Jessie song (When She Loved Me) comes on, she just hugs Jessie and kind of tears up....

...And I Was Running

My Magic Shoes (Brooks) I officially miss running. It's been 2 weeks since I went out for a nice run. Last week I was under so much stress it felt like I was just floating by. The last thing on my mind was running or socializing. I was just kind of there. This week I've been sick and just focusing on getting better. I'm not going to lie I'm a little bit scared of starting up again. I'm hoping those 2 weeks off won't affect me too much. I've come a long way and still have lots to go. I'm looking forward to lacing up my Brooks again. Out of all the shoes in my closet, I look forward to wearing those the most. Well, actually, my cleats but you get the point.

Chicken & Waffles

First day of summer and I am stuck at home sick. I have broken two streaks unfortunately: going to work everyday and staying healthy. I managed to go to work for over a year without calling out sick. Quite an accomplishment for myself. I was shooting for two years but sadly it was not to be. Last year I manged to go all year without getting sick. How I managed that I have no clue. This year I've gptten sick two times so far. First time was in January and well, now. I'm hoping this will be it and I will be good to go. Aside from my ailments, I managed to squeeze in a nice little weekend. Saturday we played our last game of the regular season. We'll be starting our playoffs soon. We tied 1-1. Not bad for my team considering when we started we were always in last place. Today we are in a happy second place. We should be in first but the team who holds the spot (Lightning B) is totally shady. Our league has 3 divisions: advanced, intermediate, and beginners. Stone Roses (my t...

Happy Sammi

It seems so long ago when that this video was taken. Samantha was 6 months and in her beloved jumper. It was hard to break her away from it. She absolutely loved that thing. I remember being at work when Mr.Andrade emailed this video. He was trying to put a smile on my face. I had just gone back to work after a glorious 6 months off. I was having a really hard time adjusting. Now it was his turn to stay home and bond with the baby. He was taking his daddy leave that I had to totally convince him to do. He was hesitant at first but in the end loved every minute of it. I think he was nervous about taking care of the baby and keeping her entertained. Looks as though he was doing a wonderful job.


I know I've talked about how much Mr.Andrade does for me and Sam I am. I try not sounding repetitive but sometimes its hard. How to say thank you when thank you doesn't seem like enough? The only thing I can think of doing is expressing my feelings the best I can. Mr.Andrade never ceases to surprise me. I've had a pretty crappy week. Heck, I'd say crappy couple of weeks! I've started to get down over the load I've been enduring. I get home and complain about it to Mr.Andrade and I know he's stressed out himself. He has a lot of new things happening at his job right now so I know he's been stressed lately. I'm sure my whining isn't helping the situation. Today during lunch I went with my friend to the Citadel in Commerce. I hadn't gone there in quite sometime. We were pretty much window shopping and torturing ourselves. Tons of cutes stuff but no cashola to spend. I happen to come across a really cute white purse and instantly fell in lo...

Subete A Mi Moto

Dear Motorcycle Person, Please refrain from taking up valuable parking spots at work when there is a designated area for you. As a matter of fact, the designated area is actually better than the regular parking spots. It's closer to the door and there is no other cars around. Making it less than likely that someone will hit your bike with their car door. If you could be considerate enough to do this, I'd really appreciate it and change my views about you. Taking you off my douche bag list. Thank You, Scully

Samantha Attacks!

I've come to the conclusion that Barney is evil. For some strange reason while Sam was watching Barney she decided to start beating up on her dad. Perhaps he is giving giving kids subliminal messages to beat up on their folks. Might be a conspiracy. Good thing I captured this event on video. The quality of the video isn't all that great. I recorded it via my phone. Still good enough for a chuckle though.

Respect My Authoritah!

Or not. I seem to have trouble being in charge. I've known this for quite sometime. I don't like taking charge of anything. I even have trouble being captain of my own soccer team! This has caused me MANY issues with the team. The girls will come and tell me what bothers them or that they're having issues with a certain player and I tend to put it on the back burner. When I do finally say something, it comes out totally wrong. One of the girls actually quit due to one of my text messages! I guess that might be a reason why I try to avoid being in charge. I'm way too blunt. Another reason is because I don't like confrontations. I just hate the drama that comes with authority. I was having this conversation with my friend a couple of days ago. She was trying to convince me to go into management. She even offered to do my resume. I kept telling her no, no, no, no, NO! I don't want to be salary and I don't want to have to worry about people meeting their...

Just Like The Old Days

This by far is one of my all time favorite movies. Sadly, its not in my DVD collection. I keep forgetting to pick up a copy each time I go to Best Buy or Target. Looks like Friday I'll be making a pit stop. Oh, to all my noveleras/noveleros out there. Doesn't the guy who sings/says the part "while, while!" look like a villain from Mexican novelas? I think he totally does.


Apparently I've always had one. Just never really knew it till my early 20s. First time I was made aware of it was when I called KROQ. Kevin & Bean had some contest going on for some Smashing Pumpkin tickets. I won the contest (of course). After telling me that I won and all that good stuff, they started asking if I was "hispanic" (I hate that freaking word). I told them that I was Mexican. They asked if I knew how to speak Spanish or was I like the King of Mexico who had the accent but, didn't know a single word of Spanish other than the Taco Bell menu. I said yes I speak Spanish fluently. They then proceeded to try and hook me up with the King of Mexico. True story. I think I was in denial about having an accent for some time. I refused to believe I had an accent. Then I started working at the phone company and all doubts were gone. I have an accent. I can't tell you how many racist callers I've had. There was no denying my accent then. I've had ...